Following are the points to be kept in mind whil doing the internal audit:-
1) Constitution/Status of the entity
Examine the constitution of the entitiy. (For eg. MOA and AOA for Private Limited Company, Partnership Deed for Partnership Firm). Check whether the provisions of the governing Act are complied with.
2) Purchases
Check whether all the purchases are recorded in the purchase register. Verify the purchase vouchers, bill invoices from the purchase register. Examine whether any tax is levied (for eg. VAT/Sales Tax). Make a list of missing vouchers and unrecorded vouchers, if any. Also see that the purchase vouchers are recorded in the correct period and are concerned with the business of the entity.
3) Sales
If the volume of sales is high and the nature of transactions is homogeneous, then you can test check the sales. Check the sales invoices of first and the last month properly. Make a list of missing vouchers and unrecorded vouchers, if any.
4) Cash/Bank Balance
Verify the cash balance and check whether it tallies with the cash register. Prepare Bank reconciliation statement. See when the cheques are cleared (note down the clearing dates of the cheques included in the reconciliation). See that the balance of the bank book and tallies with the cash book. See whether cash received is deposited into the bank. If high amount of cash balance is found then advice them to deposit the same in to the Bank Account.
5) Expenditure/Payments
Vouch the payments properly. See whether they are authorized by a responsible person. Check whether there is compliance of the Income Tax Act (ie. payment in excess of20000 is not done,35000 in case of Transporters). See that the expense vouchers bear the initials of the authorizing authority and a revenue stamp (if expense is above5000). See that the distinction between capital and revenue expenditure is made. Check properly whether any expense made by the entity is liable to Tax Deduction at Source (For eg. Audit Fees above30000 {single bill or aggregate75000 for F.Y 10-11} TDS deduction under 194J.). Check for any unusual or abnormal expenses and enquire about it to the responsible person. Also see that the expenses are related to the year of audit, if any expense of the last year is recorded in this year see that they are reported in the audit report and any expense relating to next year to be shown as an asset (prepaid expense).
6) Provision of Expenses, Depreciation and
Check whether provisions for expense is made in the books of accounts. (For eg. Telephone exps of the month of Mar paid in Apr). Provide other expenses such as salaries, electricity, any statutory payments, bonus. See that depreciation is provided in the Books as per prescribed rates in the Income Tax Act. Also make provision of statutory payments.
7) Sundry Debtors/Creditors
Check the ledger accounts of the customers. Enquire about any balance outstanding from the customer for more than 1 year, write off the balance if it is irrecoverable. Sometimes Credit/Debit balance occurs due to non-recording to bills against payments, advances received from customer or advances given to suppliers , so check this properly. Obtain balance confirmation letter from Sundry Debtors/Creditors having high volume of transactions.
8) Opening Balances
Check the opening balances of the period under audit with the closing balance of the preceding financial year. See that they are carried forward correctly. (Refer the Financial Statements of the preceding previous year.), Verify the opening and closing stock, check that the closing stock is valued correctly . Obtain a balance confirmation of the Closing stock from the Management.
9) Loans and Investments
Verify the loans borrowed by the entity. See whether the constitution permits to borrow the loan. Check the rate of interest of the loan borrowed. Obtain the loan Loan statement and verify th balance. See that the investments are recorded at correct values, see that the interest is credited to the investments.
On the basis of the above points prepare an Internal Audit Report addressing the management of the entity.
But make sure you show it to your Principal (C.A - your boss), so that he may audit the accounts of the entity from his point of view and do the needful changes in the audit report before submitting the same to the client.
Wish you happy diwali.
Devendra. K