CA. Aashu (Chartered Accountant) (307 Points)

24 October 2009  

Ten questions to be asked while choosing  an  Auditor:-



1.Why should I pick your firm over any other?


2.Does your firm focus on any particular industry or geographic region?


3.How many offices and partners do you have? That is, are you local, regional or national?



4.What experience have you had in my industry? How many clients like me do you serve currently and can I call a few for references?



5.Do you have a public accounting licence?



6.How do you bill for your services - as the job progresses or once it's completed? Do you need a retainer? What is the fee range for jobs such as mine?



7.Who will work on my assignment? If other staff members will be assigned, how experienced with they be?



8.What specific services do you offer? Do you have access to other specialists if I have special needs outside your area of expertise?



9.Do you use the latest technology to ensure that work is done efficiently and at the lowest cost?



10.Will you be there whenever I need you?



It helps to know about an Auditor qualifications. For example, Chartered Accountants must meet the highest standards of financial expertise, strategic thinking, business independence and leadership. In fact, Canadian CAs are recognized around the world for high professional standards and competency.