If teenagers live with pressure, they learn to be stressed.
If teenager live with rejection, they learn to give up.
If teenagers live with too many rules, they learn to get around them.
If teenagers live with too few rules, they learn to Ignore the needs of others
If teenagers live with broken promises, they learn to be disappointed.
If teenagers live with respect, they learn to honour others.
If teenagers live with trust, they learn to tell the truth.
If teenagers live with natural consequences, they learn to be accountable.
If teenagers live with responsibility, they learn to be self-reliant.
If teenagers live with healthy habits, they learn to be kind to their bodies.
If teenagers live with support, they lean to feel good about themselves.
If teenagers live with creativity, they learn to share who they are.
If teenagers live with positive expectations, they learn to help build a better world.
If teenagers live with caring attention, they learn how to love.