The Firm has filed the 3rd Qtrly. return of TDS in TRACES. While Filing the return in form16A one of the Challan shows unmatched. what would be reason for the same. Can anybody explain.
(53 Points)
Replied 13 March 2013
(66 Points)
Replied 13 March 2013
There could be reasons, where u have gone wrong in filling the details. Please also check, if your challan is appearing online, by clicking the following link.
When u exactly given the challan details as appears online, the challan will match definetely.
prithviraj mohandoss
(Finance associates)
(143 Points)
Replied 13 March 2013
My question is simillar to Bhavesh...
We did filling For QTR -3 have extracted form 16 A, as today i run consol report it throws up warnining says Challan No.11, unmatched.
Actually we paid and used 10 challans for filling for return, and we got all vendor's cerficates... there was no Input of 11 challan in that report, please clarify why does it say No. 11 challan unmatched adding so umatched challans doesn't have any value it's just Nil..
(66 Points)
Replied 13 March 2013
When u input only 10 challans, there cannot be 11 challans.. The website only provides the data back to us, whatever we have given in our E-TDS return. It cannot add any value by itself. U can download the consolidated statement and verify the Challan No.: 11
prithviraj mohandoss
(Finance associates)
(143 Points)
Replied 13 March 2013
Mam, I did verification with Consolidate Statement, Error Message have attached with this...
Challan doens't have any value , it's Verfication status say's Not verified.
I am sure i haven't provide Nil value challan...
Your advice..
(66 Points)
Replied 13 March 2013
I would suggest to file a correction return after deleting that unmatched/unverified challan.
prithviraj mohandoss
(Finance associates)
(143 Points)
Replied 13 March 2013
Final question.... All the Form 16A have been generated. and issued to vendor's.
If Correction Statement not done.. does it trigger any compliance issue with I.T office
(66 Points)
Replied 13 March 2013
If all the TDS Certificates are correct and this unmatched challan does not have any implication on your tds return and providing TDS credits to your vendors, u can leave this as such. There wont be any implication.
(26 Points)
Replied 07 June 2013
Respected Sir/ Ma'am
I have submiited the TDS returns for Q4. As per Ackl. it showes No. of challan 6 and No. of challans unmatched 6, challan amount and total tax deucted amount is matched with each other. Now i am trying to generate TDS certifcates however i am unable to get registered as site didn't accept details provided, which is as per TDS return, every time massage displyed is Invalid details in Part 1 or Part 2.
can any one guide to me on this as soon as possile.
Is this have any ref. with that unmatch challans.
Thanking you in advance
Suraj Bhoir
(25 Points)
Replied 05 February 2014
Dear Sir/Mam,
I filled TDS return For the F.y.2012-13 of 4th quarter in 24Q, then I have Acknowledgment and there is showin one unmatched challan. and today I want to download Form -16 but there is not done. I have everything i.e. Original challan, acknowledgment etc..
Plz explain me.