TDS Return is filed Quarterly. TDS deducted shall be deposited in Bank (nationalized Bank). Amount paid or credited, whichever is earlier shall be considered for deducting TDS and such TDS deducted should be deposited in Nationalized Bank on or before 7th date of the next month in which such TDS was deducted. after quarter, TDS return is filed till 15th date of the next month, after the quarter ends. The due dates are as follows:
TDS Deducted: TDS to be deposited in Bank by (following date):
April to Feb 7th of next month
(eg.) April 7-May
But it is different for March. Due date for TDS to be deposited, which was deducted in March is 30th April.
Due date of TDS Returns are as follows:
April-June (Quarter-I) 15th July
July-Sept. (Quarter-II) 15th Oct
Oct.-Dec. (Quarter-III) 15th Jan.
Jan.-March (Quarter-IV) 15th May
The above return due dates and deposit date are for following Forms:
24Q (TDS deducted on salary) (on or after A.Y.: 2006-07)
26Q (TDS deducted otherthan Salary) ((on or after A.Y.: 2006-07)