Section 194C covers the contracts for carrying out any work (including supply of labour for carrying out any work) in pursuance of a contract.
Further, Work includes –
(a) advertising;
(b) broadcasting and telecasting including production of programmes for such broadcasting or telecasting;
(c) carriage of goods or passengers by any mode of transport other than by railways;
(d) catering;
(e) manufacturing or supplying a product according to the requirement or specification of a customer by using material purchased from such customer.
However, “work” shall not include manufacturing or supplying a product according to the requirement or specification of a customer by using raw material purchased from a person, other than such customer, as such a contract is a contract for ‘sale’. However, this will not be applicable to a contract which does not entail manufacture or supply of an article or thing (e.g. a construction contract).
As per this section, the expression of deducting tax on works contract /supply of labour contracts. Training services is a type of services imparting knowledge by the efficient experts, which is not a works contract but a professional contract because that service provider is efficient and expert of providing training.