Tds query?

Page no : 2

Rishabh Ahuja (.) (491 Points)
Replied 21 April 2012

dear friend

in case the person (contractor) is one with whom u have done business(contract) in previous years and there the payment exceeded the amount of 75000 or 30000 as the case may be , in such a case u will deduct from the very beginning since u knw that payment will go beyong the limit

rest ii case ur last payment exceeds limit of 30,000 but without exceeding 75000 then tds only on the last bill


but where my friend ur last payment make the net payments total beyod 75000 then in such case tds will be deducted though only on the last bill but will include the amounts of all the prvs bills as well


hope ur query is cleared :)

nitin suvarna (C.A FINAL) (828 Points)
Replied 24 April 2012

agreed with one should deduct tds on all bills when the limit isnt crossed


Jemma (Accountant) (22 Points)
Replied 24 April 2012

Find best Online TDS Software for hazel free efiling returns.

CA Arindam Sain (Practice) (308 Points)
Replied 24 April 2012

Yes, you are rightly deducted TDS on last bill, because TDS would attract only when

Single Bill > Rs.30000/-

Aggregate Bill> Rs.75000/- to a contractor/ a financial year.

So, there is no need to deduct tax on al biils as your agreegate does not exceed Rs.75000/-

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