Can anyone aware me about TDS liabilities arises on MLM Co. please. What are the major heads which are liable for TDS?
CA Kingsley
(Audit Manager)
(470 Points)
Replied 22 August 2009
Please explain me in detail the nature of transaction, why it is paid, to whom it is paid etc. Only then we can give u accurate reply. It is like an advertisement right? Please explain me.
CA Ramesh Kr Verma
(138 Points)
Replied 22 August 2009
MLM Company generally gives commission.So same rate as applicable to any other company will be applicable.Hope your doubt is clrar.
Ramesh Kr Verma
MR. R....halpfull hand is back
(297 Points)
Replied 24 August 2009
as per it act all company has to take same rate so for MLM co. same rate as applicable to any other company will be applicable