Hi Hemaa,
Your quiry quite not cleared based on data you provided. Still whatever you are paying presently to your employee as gross salary; take that per month for upto march 2013 and deduct applicable deductions like PF 12% on (Basic+DA) i.e.own contribution of employee. Prof. Tax as per slab applicable, HRA deduction LIC premium paid by them personally etc if applicable. Then on the accumulated net amount till 31.03.2013; calculate Tax as per slab for A.Y 2013-14 with 2+1% edu.cess on tax amount. You will find the tax amount for the P.Y 2012-13, divide that figure by no. of month rest in you hand till 31.03.2012 e.g.5 month left for this year(Nov'12-Mar'13). Deduct that figure from their individual salary every month and paid to the credit of Govt. within 7th of next month through TDS Challan or online.
Hope it will clear your concept. Welcome any further clarification...!!