while explaning the work contract u/s 194C, 'work' has been defined to include - advertising, broadcasting & Telecasting, carriage of goods & passengers by any mode other than railway, catering
u/s 194I Defnition of Rent means - payment by whatever name called, under any lease, sub-lease, tenancy or any other agreement or arrangement for the use of - land, building, machinery, plan, equipment, furniture, fittings.
Please note 194I covers payments made for above purposes only and it does not contain any specific words of advertisement, hoarding rent, etc and the defnition of Sec 194C, specifically covers the advertisement payments, hence the TDS on advertisement must be done u/s 194C only
Please also refer Circular 715 dt 08/08/1995, 717 dt 14/08/1995 for further clarifications