What is Procedure for Deposited TDS on Property which chalan for payment
wheather it is Deposied First Chalan And There After Fill 26QB????
Thank You In Advance
CA Dnyaneshwar Gopale (CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT) (501 Points)
07 November 2016What is Procedure for Deposited TDS on Property which chalan for payment
wheather it is Deposied First Chalan And There After Fill 26QB????
Thank You In Advance
Dhirajlal Rambhia
(SEO Sai Gr. Hosp.)
(183048 Points)
Replied 07 November 2016
Fill form 26QB first, where for individuals select tab (0021)INCOME-TAX (OTHER THAN COMPANIES), for payment of TDS deducted.
For stepwise details refer: www.incometaxindia.gov.in/Pages/tds-sale-of-immovable-property.aspx
CMA Poornima Madhava
(13112 Points)
Replied 07 November 2016
26QB itself is the challan-cum-return. You may make payment using 26QB. Thereafter generate TDS certificate from TRACES and provide the same to the deductee. For more details: https://cleartax.in/tds/guides/how-to-file-tds-sale-of-property
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