TDS on PF Withdrawal (exempted PF trust)

AT123 (fdfdfd) (30 Points)

10 July 2022  

Hello Experts,

I withdrew my PF amount from one of the company I worked with in the past which had an exempted PF trust during last FY. TDS was deducted at 10%. I was not aware of form15g and did not submit to the employer at that time. I can see the TDS deducted in form 26AS.

Now how can I claim TDS refund for this?  PF amount is > 50,000 and had a continuous service history of > 5 years. Note, I withdrew this money during last FY. But I left that company more than 8 years back.

What section I need to fill details regarding the withdrawal to claim this refund? Specifically, I am asking in ITR2.

I read somewhere I need to add the employer, employee contribution/interest income under salary or income from other sources section in ITR. But that will translate to even more tax if I show this as additional income and will be taxed according to my slab? Is this not correct? But rather i am looking for the 10% refund. 

What details I require to furnish in ITR2 to get this refund or to say that money received from withdrawal is not liable for any taxes.

Sorry if its a basic question, don't know much on taxes.

Thanks much in advance.