Tds interest
NIKUNJ SHAH (article) (75 Points)
09 July 2014NIKUNJ SHAH (article) (75 Points)
09 July 2014
(Audit Manager)
(176 Points)
Replied 09 July 2014
Interest on late payment of deducted tds is 1.5% p.m.
CA Pooja Sharma
(Chartered Accountant)
(192 Points)
Replied 09 July 2014
For delay in deposit of TDS , Interest wiil be charged from date of deduction till actual date of payment at the rate of interest of 1.5% p.m .Any fraction of a month shall be considered as full month.
In the given case interest shall be calculated for 4 months
(i.e. 30-04-14 to 05-07-14).