A broker mentioned that the latest budget has given a relief to the extent of 5% between the agreement value and the guidance value/ circle rate. Is it true?
True to the extent it is within 5% of circle rate.
How does it apply? How does one make use of the provision?
If the circle rate is 100, but your agreement is for 94 Rs. the section will not give any relief. But if your purchase is 95 or more, you will not be liable for any additional tax.
Secondly, on the rate of TDS deduction, the broker was of the view that once an IT Officer issues a certificate it can be on par with a resident Indian @ 1%. Is that true?
ITO can give certificate to deduct lower amount of tax u/s. 197, but not necessarily 1%. Refer:: form-13-tds-deduction & /guides/section-197