When i filed my ITR2 Form for FY 2018 - 2019, I got some interest from the IT Depart along with the refund amount. I was paid around Rs. 868 and interest and Rs 270 was deducted from the same. So when i am filing the ITR2 for this year, in the Schedule OS sec b "Interest, Gross" and item iii - "Interest from Income tax refund". I have entered the amount there but in the TDS what should be the TAX for the 270 that was deducted?
As is said i am declaring the Rs 270 on Schedule TDS but my question in what is the TAN number that i have to put in the TDS for that? Also i know the Interest from the NRO account has to be reported as income but should i also add the interest amount from NRE account also on schedule OS? Assume I got Rs 10,000 as interest from NRE account and Rs. 5,000 as interest from NRO, so on scheudle OS should i declare Rs 5000 or Rs 15000? Please see the attached or more details
Tds from it dept for interest paid - tan number for it dept
Muralie Krishna Cheemalapati (21 Points)
08 May 2019