In TDS FUV file Generation, What is the meaning of this Error?? "T-FV-3000 Invalid Challan Detail Record Length." Please Reply ASAP . I am using latest RPU & FVU version for 24Q return of 1st quarter of F.Y.2013-14
vinayak c. chavan (CPT passed) (1016 Points)
14 July 2013In TDS FUV file Generation, What is the meaning of this Error?? "T-FV-3000 Invalid Challan Detail Record Length." Please Reply ASAP . I am using latest RPU & FVU version for 24Q return of 1st quarter of F.Y.2013-14
(83 Points)
Replied 15 July 2013
check your challan details entered or check proper csi file is downloaded or not.
check the electronic warning statement generated it usually gets generated when challan details do not match with the csi file downloaded
Suraj Bhoir
(25 Points)
Replied 31 May 2019
Dear sir/Ma’am,
While we are submitting TDS return for Q4 for F.Y.2018-19 there is showing error i.e. t-fv-4023.
So request you to kindly help us.