So Navin Sir wat is the final conclusion ?
If provision dont include ST,then there is no requirement of deducting TDS on ST amount ????
(Chartered Accountant)
(131 Points)
Replied 06 May 2011
So Navin Sir wat is the final conclusion ?
If provision dont include ST,then there is no requirement of deducting TDS on ST amount ????
CA Navin Jain
(11768 Points)
Replied 06 May 2011
@ sagar,
yes, if provision not include the st then no need to deducted tds on st amount
(Chartered Accountant)
(131 Points)
Replied 06 May 2011
Sir that means when the bill will be raised at that time there is no requirement of deducting TDS on ST component ???
Thanx in advance:-)
CA Navin Jain
(11768 Points)
Replied 06 May 2011
@ sagar
suppose liability is Rs. 1103 included st and assesee make the provision for rs. 1000 then tds would be deducted on rs. 1000.
at the time enter the bill of rs. 1103 then tds liability will be come on rs. 103