TDS deduction on Partners salary if below exemption or abov

Gupta (STUDENT) (56 Points)

01 February 2011  
A Business Concern (Firm),  partner was being taken salary ( active partner ) from 01.04.2010 and it may happen to till 31.03.2011  (additonally partners remuneration may also record) My doubt is : 1) On demand of Form 16 by the partner for filing the Income-tax return if The partner is taking the salary below exemption limit (excluding Parnters Remuneration) ... whether we have to file the TDS returns for salary also (FORM 24Q). if the partner is taking salary below the taxable limit [(then form 16 is to be given with out Filing the TDS Salary return) is it correct?] And how to issue a Form 16 to the partner with out filing the TDS return(Form 24Q) if the partner is taking the salary above taxable limit.. (excluding Partners Remuneration) ..... what is the procedure to deduct the Tax (TDS) TDS is to be deducted whether for salary or to be deduct for both Salay and Partners Remuneration and lastly, is it right to file the salary return for PARNER any one please help me........