Tds deduction not reflected in 26as form

R.VENKAT (retired) (88 Points)

07 June 2013  

all banks collect promptly collect TDS on FD with them. But few banks do NOT transfer the TDS collected to Income authorities/or issue 16A  formm to ;the customers even as lat e as June 30th so that these deductions are NOT reflected in 26AS form.  I am a person who would like to submit my Income tax retrurn before 15th june (from this year onwards efiliing because I am an old man and cannot travel to IT office). But in the absence of entries  of these banks it is difficult to calculate the income tax to be paid.  One has to wait till July end to get thes entreis.  


Is not Income tax authrorities aware of such hassle for the honest tax payers. what is the remedy. giving 15H form may not be legally correct even though this will sove the proble,ofcourse you can alwys add the FD interst to your income honesly. 


what is the solution?