Ashish M (Chartered Accountant) (2731 Points)

03 July 2009  

These days, dept. sends at the mail address of the asssessees, an Annual Tax statement which shows the amount of Tax lying with the dept. in the form of TDS for the relevant yr and only the same can be claimed as credit by the asseessee in the return.


My query is as follows:The employer has deducted the TDS for P.Y. 08-09 two times during the year, first in the month of April 08 and second in the month of March 09...

But the Annaul tax statement shows only the TDS as deducted in the month of April 08 and not the latter (i.e. March09)....

Pls clarify as to whether i can claim the tax credit of March 09 too as in Form 16 given by the employer, the Total TDS is shown (both for april08 and march09)........

should my return not get irreconciled when it will be processing u/s 143(1).

[Though the annual tax statement emailed by dept. says that it contains the detials of tax credit only for the first 3 quarters.] Still for the sake of confirmation, pls clarify the above issue...
