The Circular No: 681 dated March 8, 1994 (as attached herewith) has in the context of section 194C, inter alia, held that the percentage deduction prescribed in law is with reference to the amount of payment and not income comprised in the payment.
(44 Points)
Replied 25 August 2012
The Circular No: 681 dated March 8, 1994 (as attached herewith) has in the context of section 194C, inter alia, held that the percentage deduction prescribed in law is with reference to the amount of payment and not income comprised in the payment.
(52 Points)
Replied 27 August 2012
Ram Chandra
(Finance Officer)
(29 Points)
Replied 30 August 2012
If he show seperate service amount and on that he levy applicable service tax by render as on POT, whenever he pay service tax amount to department that tds applicable on service amount i.e Rs. 1,00,000.00 as applicable rate either 1% or 2%