Hi I'm Mukund,
I'm having doubt regarding TDS..Every year we are claiming TDS against the Tax payable.
Say for example :
A.Y TDS Amount Advance Tax Paid
2009-10 120000 90000
2010-11 125000 80000
2011-12 140000 110000
Eventhough after claimed against TAX payable in the A.Y.2009-10 & 2010-11, what's the need to show it in the Current Year books of records in Balance Sheet i.e.( A.Y.2011-12 )..,or Is it right to show...
If it's right, Why it's right.....?
If it's wong to show it in the current year books of records, tel me the reason and how to rectify it..?
Plz....Can anyone help me for my query ?