Taxation confusion ????????????????

CA Is My Passion...... ( IPCC - Nov 2011, BCOM) (188 Points)

04 March 2010  

Hey, i am an ipcc student of may2010 attempt. As i failed to clear my ipcc in nov2009 , during may in taxation we had exemption limit for individuals as 160000 and now as the budget has been passed in the parliament will the new rates of exemption of income up to  300000 is implemented from first of april2010. Then for may2010 exams may be the same new rates may be applicable as it is the financial year and the assessment year starts from march of 2011..........................please let me know which exemption rates for income tax are applicable for may2010 and nov2010 exams.                 YOUR  REPLIES WILL BE WHOLE HEARTEDLY ACCEPTED AND APPRECIATED................... THANKS FOR REPLIES IN ADVANCE..................