An salaried employee availed a home loan from financial institution( Say SBI) and receiving interest subsidy from employer( Private Corporate).
How to calculate the value of perquisite
is there any exemption available for the same.
Jitendra Singh Kachchhawah (Salaried) (78 Points)
23 April 2023An salaried employee availed a home loan from financial institution( Say SBI) and receiving interest subsidy from employer( Private Corporate).
How to calculate the value of perquisite
is there any exemption available for the same.
(2154 Points)
Replied 24 April 2023
Jitendra Singh Kachchhawah
(78 Points)
Replied 24 April 2023
Interest is reimburse by employer what kind of exemption nis available
(2154 Points)
Replied 24 April 2023
Reimburse by the employer is the part of a salary ?? If it is not then you can show it the income other than sources. Interest reimburse by the employer it means loan repay by the employee from himself/herself account.
(2154 Points)
Replied 24 April 2023
If it is a part of a salary then why are you concerned about interest subsidy & reimburse .............??