Tax treatment - 2 properties jointly owned by self & spouse

Sumit Jain (MBA) (26 Points)

01 March 2013  

I and my wife have purchased 2 flats, which are joint internally and we are residing in the combined flat. 

As per my understanding, since both the flats are used for residential purposes, for Tax purposes, one of them will be considered as Self occupied and the other one as deemed let out. 

For Flat A, where my wife is the main applicant, can we show it as self occupied. Both I and my wife will be able to claim a rebate on Rs 1.5 lakhs each on Interest

For Flat B, where I am the main applicant, can both I and my wife claim tax benefit on entire interest assuming this Flat to be deemed let out. Obviously, we will need to show Income considering Fair Amount of Rent and deducting standard deductions.

Confirm if my understanding is correct and specifically below mentioned points - 

1. Can Flat B be considered as Deemed Let out - Though both flats are joint and principally it cannot be let out, while we are staying in Flat A

2. I and my wife are main applicants in 1 Flat and Co-applicant in the other. Still, will it be considered that both of us own 2 properties

Other Details

Flat A

- Primary Owner - Self

- Co-applicant - Spouse

Loan in both names

Flat B

- Primary Owner - Spouse

- Co-applicant - Self

Loan in both names


