Tax refund for nri

Sinoj Varghese (Accountant) (44 Points)

22 April 2016  

I am an NRI since 2007.

I have a NRE account and NRO account in Federal Bank. My PAN is updated in bank accounts.

Bank have been collecting TDS from my NRO account, but, I was not informed oxf such TDS and their payment.

Until today, bank has not provided with any details of TDS paid on my behalf.

As an NRI, I am not liable to pay any tax as the total interest in I arned in NRO account are only thousands, but, more than 10,000.

Recently, I cross-checked my interest receivable on FD and the actual interest I received. I contacted bank and I could know that TDS are deduted.

Please advise me, how can I get refund of TDS on interest?



Sinoj Varghese