Tax queries on us income for us citizen living in india

Sunder (Manager) (95 Points)

14 January 2014  

This is for US Citizen living in India for last six years.  Can one of you please confirm the following?


1. He will be considered R&OR for tax filing purposes.

2. Where there are new investments made (either by purchase OR dividend reinvestments) in past 3 years, can I pro rate the gains as short term capital gains and Long term capital gains?
Example : I have 110 shares as of FY end. I have 10 shares bought in the past three years. I have LTCG of $10. Given this situation, can I categorize (100/110*10) as LTCG and (10/110*10) as STCG for Indian Income Tax filing?

3. As far as Indian Income Tax filing is concerned, Dividend/Interest/STCG from foreign mutual funds are taxed at ordinary Income tax rate and LTCG are taxed at 20%. Am I right?

Thank You
