Tax on Sale of LAND & further Investment of the Money in Stocks

gk (service) (156 Points)

05 August 2021  

Dear Peers, Pranam!

Regarding a Property (Land) Sale in Coimbatore District. In the last year (October 2020) I have been sold a land and gained (with ref. to the value recorded on the deeds) more than fifteen lakhs rupees. I have not been bought any other land/property with that amount But invested part of the amount for buying of stocks/shares. It has been told by one of my friends that I coan not invest this money in stock market and I should have property gain tax to be paid to the ITD in this financial year. Please let me know how much amount I should paid (or the percentage of gain as tax) and whether I have any issues for investing that amount in stock market as I mentioned above.

Please guide me if I have been misguided on this regard.

Thanking you, gk