Tax Credit Mismatch for Assessment Year 2022-23

Amit Bansal (7 Points)

19 September 2022  

Hi Team,

Recently I received an Income Tax notice under Section 143(1) for demand.

This was due to a mistake in online software in picking the tax credit year. It is picking year as 2020 rather than 2021. I raised  "Response to Outstanding Demand" and asked to clear the error and remove the unnecessary demand.

Now, 2 days back I got another letter under section 154 and asked to either pay the demand or file rectification.

Online link to file rectification under "Tax credit mismatch" is not available on online portla.

Please let me know how to proceed on this further.

Should i go for revised return? if yes, it asks for interest, not sure why.

Should i go for physical rectification request to my local AO? If yes, do we have any specific format for same?


Please help,

