TAX Audit

Manoj Asher (Service) (99 Points)

16 September 2009  

Attn: Rajivji and vikrantji and dear members

I am working as an Accountant with Pvt. Limited company

My company is doing business of Shares & Stock Trading

Now my querry is

We have done commodity transaction in MCX Exchange. And earned speculative profit from the said transaction. Please tell me if i want to decide whether the turnover of the said transaction is to be treated under TAX Audit on the basis of

a. Purchase and Sales Figure exceeds Rs.    40,00,000/-

b. or Gross Recipts of Sales figure arrived from individual bill given by Main Broker

c. or cheque amount received from the broker.

this transaction was done during the F.Y. 2008-09.

We have earned income during this financial year only from Speculative profit from Future and Option and from Commodity Transaction

kindly guide me on this chapter, as i want to file the return for the same.


Manoj Asher