Tally entry for import - purchase

Nitesh (Owner) (24 Points)

27 September 2012  

Purchase details:

1. Material Name: Calcium Carbonate

2. Imported from: Turkey

3. Quantity: 28000 kgs. (28 MT)

4. Commercial invoice rate: 115 USD per MT (FOB rate)

5. Freight: 1000 usd (56000 Rs.)

6. Insurance : 214 Rs.


Payments I made:

1. Bank commission charges: 3748

2. L/C payment for material - 183487 (181189 material charges(3220 USD X 56.27) + 2298 bank charges)

3. assessible value as per customs - 246648.06

    a. inv value - Rs. 187992  (120 usd/mt X 28 MT X 55.95 Rs.)

    b. ocean freight -  Rs.56000

    c. insurance - Rs. 214

    d. landing charges @ 1% on a+b+c - Rs. 2442.06

4. Customs charges paid - Rs. 63765

   a. BCD @ 7.5% on 246648.06 - Rs. 18498.6

   b. CVD @ 12% on assessed value + BCD - Rs. 31817.6

   c. customs education cess @ 2% on BCD + CVD - Rs. 1006.3

   c. customs S & E H cess @ 1% on BCD + CVD - Rs. 503.2

   d. addl duty - imports @ 4% on ass. value + BCD + CVD + Edu cess + S& E H Cess - Rs. 11939

5. CHA charges - 105000

6. Freight - Rs. 23000

7. Labour - Rs. 2000


I am finding it difficult to pass these entries. Since i have made these payments on different dates. Invoice amount is different from Assessible value. Can someone please pass all these entries in a dummy tally account and pass me the zip file for better understanding.

I have passed individual entries but stock value is less than the actual, since it should include all the costs.

I would really appreciate if someone can help in detail on the same.