Tally Definition Language

Page no : 2

Manoj Garg (Support on Tally Excel Password Recovery etc.)   (1987 Points)
Replied 01 September 2009

;;Developed By Girish Raju ;;www.Girishraj.com [#Menu : Gateway of Tally] Item : Address Book : Menu : Address Menu [Menu : Address Menu] Item : SD Address Book : Display Collection : GR SD Groups Item : SC Address Book : Display Collection : GR SC Groups Item : EMP Address Book : Display : EMP Address Book :NOT $$IsEmpty:$$SelectedCmps AND $$MODPayroll AND $$IsPayrollOn:$$CurrentSimpleCompany Control : EMP Address Book : $$IsPayrollOn AND ($$Allow:Create:PayrollMasters OR $$Allow:Alter:PayrollMasters) [Collection : GR SD Groups] Type : Group Childof : $$GroupSundryDebtors Belongs To : Yes Variable : GroupName Report : GR SD Address Book Trigger : Gr SD Groups Trigger Align : Centre [Collection : GR SC Groups] Type : Group Childof : $$GroupSundryCreditors Belongs To : Yes Variable : GroupName Report : GR SC Address Book Trigger : GR SC Groups Trigger Align : Centre [Collection : GR Sundry CRDR] Type : Ledger Childof : ##GroupName BelongsTo : Yes [Report : GR SD Groups Trigger] Variable : GroupName Form : GR SD Groups Trigger [Form : GR SD Groups Trigger] Part : GR SD Groups Trigger Width : 20% page Height : 100% Page ;;Background : GR AddBook [Part : GR SD Groups Trigger] Line : GR SD Groups TriggerTitle, GR SD Groups Trigger [Line : GR SD Groups TriggerTitle] Field : Form SubTitle Local : Field : Form SubTitle : set as : "Select Group" Space Bottom : 1 [Line : GR SD Groups Trigger] Field : GR SD Groups Trigger [Field : GR SD Groups Trigger] Use : Name Field Table : GR Sd Groups Variable : GroupName Modifies : Groupname ShowTable : Always ;;;;;Sundry Debtors Report [Report : GR SD Address Book] Use : DSP Template Variable : GroupName Form : SD Address Book Set : GroupName : IF $$IsEmpty:##GroupName Then $$GroupSundryDebtors else ##GroupName Variable : Address Config Con,Address Config Address,Address Config Phone Variable : Address Config Fax,Address Config Mail Variable : Address Config Horiz , Address Config Vert Variable : GrPDCNVchHeight [Form : SD Address Book] ;;Use : DSP Template ;;Background : GR AddBook Button : Print Button,Export Button Part : SD Address Book Button: Address Book Config Width : 100% Screen Height : 100% screen Space Top : if $$InPrintMode then ##SVSpaceTop else 0.05 inches Space Bottom: if $$InPrintMode then 0.5 else 0 inches Space Left : if $$InPrintMode AND $$InPixelMode then 0.5 else 0 inches Space Right : if $$InPrintMode AND $$InPixelMode then 0.25 else 0 inches Page Break : Sd Cl Page Break , Sd Op Page Break Background : @ @ SV_RELEASEDLEAFGREEN_PL [Part : Sd cl Page Break] Line : Sd cl Page Break [Line : Sd cl Page Break] Field : Sd cl Page Break Border : Full Thin Top [Field : Sd cl Page Break] Set as : "Count ......" [Part : Sd Op Page Break] Line : Sd Op Page Break Common Border : Yes [Line : Sd Op Page Break] Line : SD Address Book Title [Part : SD Address Book Title] Line : SD Address Book Title [Line : SD Address Book Title] Field : SD SR No, SD Name, SD Address Right Field : SD ContactNo, SD Phone ,SD Email, SD Fax ,SD Dummy Local : Field : Default : Style : Normal Bold Local : Field : SD Sr No : Set as : "Sr" Local : Field : SD Name : Set as : "Name" Local : Field : SD ContactNo : Set as : "Contact Person" Local : Field : SD Phone : Set as : "Phone" Local : Field : SD Email : Set as : "E-Mail" Local : Field : SD Fax : Set as : "Fax" Local : Field : SD Address : Set as : "Address" Border : Column Titles [Part : SD Address Book] Line : SD Address Book Title,SD Address book, SD Ver Led Con Bottom Line : SD Address book Dummy Repeat : SD Address Book : GR Sundry CRDR Scroll : vertical Common Border : yes Float : yes [Line : SD Address Book] Space Top : .5 Field : SD SR No, SD Name, SD Address Right Field : SD ContactNo, SD Phone ,SD Email, SD Fax ,SD Dummy Explode : SD Address : ##AddressConfigVert and ##AddressConfigAddress Next Page : Not $$DoExplosionsFit [Field : SD SR No] Use : Short Name Field Set as : $$Line Style : Normal Width : 4 Align : Centre Border : Thin Left Right [Field : SD Name] Use : Name Field Set as : $Name Style : Normal Bold Width : 30 Border : Thin Right [Field : SD ContactNo] Use : Short Name Field Set as : $LedgerContact Style : Normal Border : Thin Right Invisible : not (##AddressConfigCon and ##AddressConfigHoriz) [Field : SD Phone] Use : Short Name Field Set as : $LedgerPhone Style : Normal Border : Thin Right Invisible : not (##AddressConfigHoriz and ##AddressConfigPhone) [Field : SD Fax] Use : Short Name Field Set as : $LedgerFax Style : Normal ;;Border : Thin Right Invisible : not (##AddressConfigHoriz and ##AddressConfigFax) [Field : SD EMail] Use : Short Name Field Set as : $email Style : Normal Border : Thin Right Invisible : not (##AddressConfigHoriz and ##AddressConfigMail) [Field : SD Dummy] ;;Use : Short Name Field Set as : " " Style : Normal widtth : .3 Border : Thin Right ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;For Vertical Field ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; [Field : SD Address] Use : Short Name Field Set as : $$FullList:Address:$Address Style : Normal Border : Thin Left Right Line : 0 invisible : not (##AddressConfigHoriz and ##AddressConfigAddress) ;;SD Ver Led Phone,SD Ver Led EMail,SD Ver Led Fax [Line : SD Ver Led Con] Field :SD SR No, Short Prompt, SD Ver Led Con Invisible : not (##AddressConfigCon and ##AddressConfigVert) or $$IsEmpty:$LedgerContact Local : Field :SD SR No : set as : " " Local : Field : Short Prompt : set as : "Contact Person :" [Field : SD Ver Led Con] Use : Short Name Field Set as : $LedgerContact Style : Normal [Line : SD Ver Led Phone] Field :SD SR No, Short Prompt, SD Ver Led Phone Invisible : not (##AddressConfigPhone and ##AddressConfigVert) or $$IsEmpty:$LedgerPhone Local : Field :SD SR No : set as : " " Local : Field : Short Prompt : set as : "Contact Number :" [Field : SD Ver Led Phone] Use : Short Name Field Set as : $LedgerPhone Style : Normal [Line : SD Ver Led Fax] Field :SD SR No, Short Prompt, SD Ver Led Fax Invisible : not (##AddressConfigFax and ##AddressConfigVert) or $$IsEmpty:$LedgerFax Local : Field :SD SR No : set as : " " Local : Field : Short Prompt : set as : "Fax Number :" [Field : SD Ver Led Fax] Use : Short Name Field Set as : $LedgerFax Style : Normal [Line : SD Ver Led EMail] Field :SD SR No, Short Prompt, SD Ver Led EMail Invisible : not (##AddressConfigMail and ##AddressConfigVert) or $$IsEmpty:$email:Ledger:#SDName Local : Field :SD SR No : set as : " " Local : Field : Short Prompt : set as : "E-Mail :" [Field : SD Ver Led EMail] Use : Short Name Field Set as : $email Style : Normal [Line: GrPDCNVchHeight] Field: Medium Prompt, GrPDCNVchHeight Local: Field: Medium Prompt : Info : $$LocaleString:"Height of Voucher (inches) :" [Field: GrPDCNVchHeight] Use : Number Field Modifies: GrPDCNVchHeight [Variable: GrPDCNVchHeight] Type : Number Default : 10 [Line : SD Address book Dummy] Field : SD Address book Dummy Border : Thin Bottom [Field : SD Address book Dummy] Set as : "" ;;; Sundry Creditors Report [Report : GR SC Groups Trigger] Use : GR SD Groups Trigger Local : Field : GR SD Groups Trigger : Delete : Table Local : Field : GR SD GroupS Trigger : ADD : Table : GR SC Groups [Report : GR SC Address Book] Use : GR SD Address Book Set : GroupName : IF $$IsEmpty:##GroupName Then $$GroupSundryCreditors else ##GroupName ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; [Part : SD Address] Line : SD Address Line : SD Ver Led Con,SD Ver Led Phone,SD Ver Led EMail,SD Ver Led Fax Repeat : SD Address : Address [Line : SD Address] Field : SD SR No,SD Address vertical Local : Field : SD SR No : set as : " " [Field : SD Address vertical] Set as : $Address Width : 30 Line : 0 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; [Button: Address Book Config] Key : F12 Title : $$LocaleString:"Configure" Action : Execute : Address Configure [Report : Address Configure] Title : $$LocaleString:"Configuration" Form : Address Configure [Form : Address Configure] No confirm : Yes Full widtth : No Full height : No Background : @ @ SV_CMPCONFIG Parts : DSP Configure, Address Configure Local : Style : Default : Height : @ @ SmallSize Local : Line : Form SubTitle : SpaceBottom : 0.5 [Part : Address Configure] Line : Address Config Horiz Line : Address Config Vert Line : Address Config Con Line : Address Config Address Line : Address Config Phone Line : Address Config Fax Line : Address Config Email [Line : Address Config Horiz] Field : Medium Prompt, Address Config Horiz Local : Field : Medium Prompt : set as : "Show Horizontal ?" [Field : Address Config Horiz] use : Logical Field Modifies: Address Config Horiz set always : yes Skip : #AddressConfigVert = "yes" [Line : Address Config Vert] Field : Medium Prompt, Address Config Vert Local : Field : Medium Prompt : set as : "Show Vertical ?" [Field : Address Config Vert] use : Logical Field Modifies: Address Config Vert Skip : #AddressConfigHoriz = "yes" set always : yes [Line : Address Config Con] Field : Medium Prompt, Address Config Con Local : Field : Medium Prompt : set as : "Show Contact Person ?" [Field : Address Config Con] use : Logical Field Modifies: Address Config Con [Line : Address Config Address] Field : Medium Prompt, Address Config Address Local : Field : Medium Prompt : set as : "Show Address ?" [Field : Address Config Address] use : Logical Field Modifies: Address Config Address [Line : Address Config Phone] Field : Medium Prompt,Address Config Phone Local : Field : Medium Prompt : set as : "Show Phone No. ?" [Field : Address Config Phone] use : Logical Field Modifies: Address Config Phone [Line : Address Config Fax] Field : Medium Prompt,Address Config Fax Local : Field : Medium Prompt : set as : "Show Fax No. ?" [Field : Address Config Fax] use : Logical Field Modifies: Address Config Fax [Line : Address ConfigEmail] Field : Medium Prompt,Address Config Email Local : Field : Medium Prompt : set as : "Show E-Mail. ?" [Field : Address Config Email] use : Logical Field Modifies: Address Config mail [Variable: Address Config Con] Type : Logical Volatile : Yes Default : no [Variable: Address Config Phone] Type : Logical Volatile : Yes Default : no [Variable: Address Config Fax] Type : Logical Volatile : Yes Default : no [Variable: Address Config Mail] Type : Logical Volatile : Yes Default : no [Variable: Address Config Horiz] Type : Logical Volatile : Yes Default : yes [Variable: Address Config Vert] Type : Logical Volatile : Yes Default : no [Variable: Address Config Address] Type : Logical Volatile : Yes Default : yes ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Employee Address [Report : EMP Address Book] Form : EMP Address Book Variable : Address Config Con,Address Config Address,Address Config Phone Variable : Address Config Fax,Address Config Mail Variable : Address Config Horiz , Address Config Vert Variable : GrPDCNVchHeight [Form : EMP Address Book] Width : 100% Screen Height : 100% Screen Part : EMP Address Book Button: Address Book Config Button : Print Button,Export Button Background : @ @ SV_RELEASEDLEAFGREEN_PL Space Top : if $$InPrintMode then ##SVSpaceTop else 0.05 inches Space Bottom: if $$InPrintMode then 0.5 else 0 inches Space Left : if $$InPrintMode AND $$InPixelMode then 0.5 else 0 inches Space Right : if $$InPrintMode AND $$InPixelMode then 0.25 else 0 inches Page Break : EMP Cl Page Break , EMP Op Page Break [Part : EMP cl Page Break] Line : EMP cl Page Break [Line : EMP cl Page Break] Field : EMP cl Page Break Border : Full Thin Top [Field : EMP cl Page Break] Set as : "Count ......" [Part : EMP Op Page Break] Line : EMP Op Page Break [Line : EMP Op Page Break] Line : EMP Address Book Title [Part : EMP Address Book Title] Line : EMP Address Book Title ;; SV_RELEASEDLEAFGREEN_PL ;;SV_RELEASEDLEAFGREEN [Part : EMP Address Book] Line :EMP Address Book Title, EMP Address Book Bottom Line : SD Address book Dummy Repeat : EMP Address Book : EMP Address Book Coll Scroll : vertical Common Border : yes Float : yes [Line : EMP Address Book Title] Use : EMP Address Book Local : Field : Default : Style : Normal Bold Local : Field : EMP Sr No : Set as : "Sr" Local : Field : EMP Name : Set as : "Name" Local : Field : EMP ContactNo : Set as : "Contact Person" Local : Field : EMP Phone : Set as : "Phone" Local : Field : EMP Email : Set as : "E-Mail" Local : Field : EMP Fax : Set as : "Fax" Local : Field : EMP Address : Set as : "Address" Border : Column Titles [Line : EMP Address Book] Space Top : .5 Field : EMP SR No, EMP Name, EMPAddress Right Field : EMP ContactNo, EMP Email, EMP Dummy Explode : EMP Address Exp : ##AddressConfigVert and ##AddressConfigAddress [Field : EMP SR No] Use : Short Name Field Set as : $$Line Style : Normal Width : 4 Align : Centre Border : Thin Left Right [Field : EMP Name] Use : Name Field Set as : $Name Style : Normal Bold Width : 30 Border : Thin Right [Field : EMP Address] Use : Short Name Field Set as : $$FullList:Address:$Address Style : Normal Border : Thin Left Right Line : 0 invisible : not (##AddressConfigHoriz and ##AddressConfigAddress) [Field : EMP ContactNo] Use : Short Name Field Set as : $ContactNumbers Style : Normal Border : Thin Right Invisible : not (##AddressConfigCon and ##AddressConfigHoriz) [Field :EMP Phone] Use : Short Name Field Set as : $LedgerPhone Style : Normal Border : Thin Right Invisible : not (##AddressConfigHoriz and ##AddressConfigPhone) [Field : EMP Fax] Use : Short Name Field Set as : $LedgerFax Style : Normal ;;Border : Thin Right Invisible : not (##AddressConfigHoriz and ##AddressConfigFax) [Field : EMP EMail] Use : Short Name Field Set as : $EMailID Style : Normal Invisible : not (##AddressConfigHoriz and ##AddressConfigMail) [Field : EMP Dummy] ;;Use : Short Name Field Set as : " " Style : Normal widtth : .3 Border : Thin Right [Button: Girish My Tally] Title : $$LocaleString:"Developed" Key : ALT + R ;; Action Browse URL will open the web browser as given in the Formula Action : Browse URL : @ @ GRSVRegisterURL ;; System Formula Definition [System: Formula] GRSVRegisterURL : "https://www.girishraj.com" [Part : EMP Address Exp] LIne : EMP Address Exp Repeat : EMP Address Exp : Address [LIne : EMP Address Exp] Field : EMP SR No, EMP Address Exp Local : Field : EMP Sr No : Set as : " " [Field : EMP Address Exp] Set as : $address [Collection : EMP Address Book Coll] Type : Costcentres Filter : EmployeesFilter Filter : NotEmployeeGroupFilter ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; [Color : GR AddBook] ;;Shade: 240, 0, 50 RGB : 0,136,136 ;;RGB : 190,190,0 ;RGB : 196,0,0

Manoj Garg (Support on Tally Excel Password Recovery etc.)   (1987 Points)
Replied 01 September 2009

;;Pharma Invoice

;; By Manoj Garg

[#Field: EXPINV Desc]
Style:  small
FullWidth: No
widtth: 25
align : left
[#Field: EXPINV Qty]
Style:  small
align : right
widtth: 8
Delete:  Border
[#Field: EXPINV Rate]
Style:        small
align : right
widtth: 8
Delete:  Border
[#Field: EXPINV Amount]
Style:        small
widtth: 8
align: right
Delete:  Border
[#Field: EXPINV AccName]
Style:        small
Align:  left
[#Field: EXPINV AccRate]
Delete:  Border
Style:        small
widtth: 8
align: right
[#Field: EXPINV AccRatePer]
Delete:  Border
Style:        small
align: left
[#Field: EXPINV AccAmount]
Delete:  Border
Style:        small
widtth: 8
align: right
[#Field: EXPINV Total]
Style:        small
align:        right
[#Field: VCH BatchNameTitle]
Info : "Batch No"
Style: small
Align:  right
Width : 8
Delete:  Border
[#Field: EXPINV DescTitle]
Info : "Name of Medicine"
Style:  small bold
Align:  left
Delete:  Border
FullWidth: No
Width: 25
[#Field: EXPINV QtyTitle]
Info : "Qty"
Style:  small bold
Align: right
Delete:  Border
Width: 8
[#Field: EXPINV RateTitle]
Style:  small bold
Align: right
Delete:  Border
Width: 8
[#Field: EXPINV RatePerTitle]
Info : "Per"
Style:  small bold
Align: right
Delete:  Border
Width: 4
[#Field: EXPINV AmountTitle]
Style:  small bold
Align: right
Delete:  Border
Width: 8
[#Field: VCH Narration]
Case : Title Case
[#Field: Multi SNo]
Align:            left
Delete:    Border
[#Form: Simple Printed Invoice]
Delete : Parts : EXPINV Jurisdiction, EXPSMP Copy, EXPSMP Party, EXPSMP Terms
Delete : BottomParts : EXPSMP Totals, EXPSMP EOE, EXPSMP OtherDetails, EXPSMP SignOff
[#Part: EXPSMP Company]
SpaceBottom : 0
Delete:  Lines: EXPSMP Ref
[#Line: EXPSMP Date]
Delete: Left Fields : Simple Field, EXPSMP VchNo, EXPINVPartyLedName
Delete: Right fields: EXPSMP Date
Add: Left fields: colon field, Name Field
Add: Right Fields : after: Info field: Short Name field
Local       : Field : colon field: Info: "Memo No:"
Local       : Field : colon field: widtth: 10
Local       : Field : colon field: Preprinted : Yes
Local       : Field : colon field: Style  : small italic
Local       : Field : Name field: Set As : $VoucherNumber
Local       : Field : Name field: Style  : small
Local       : Field : Info Field : Style  : small italic
Local       : Field : Info field : Info  :     "Dated:"
Local       : Field : info field: widtth: 10
Local       : Field : Short Name field : set as  : $Date
Local       : Field : Short Name field : Style     : small
[#Line: EXPSMP Company]
Local : Field : Simple Field: Set as : "Demo Company"
Local : Field : Simple Field: Style : Normal Bold
Local : Field : Simple Field: FullWidth : Yes
Local : Field : Simple Field: Align : centre
[#Line: EXPSMP Addr]
[#Field: ExpAddr]
Style: small
Delete:  Border
[#Part: EXPSMP InvTitle]
add: Line: before: EXPSMP Title: EXPSMP license
add: Line: after: EXPSMP Title: EXPSMP Doctor
SpaceBottom : 0
[Line: EXPSMP License]
Field: Simple Field
Local: Field:  Simple Field: Set As: "Drug Lic. No.: WB1345 dt. 1.1.2001"
Local : Field : Simple Field: FullWidth : Yes
Local: Field:  Simple Field: Style: small
Local: Field:  Simple Field: align: centre
[#Line: EXPSMP Title]
Delete:          Field: EXPINV InvTotal
add: fields: Name field
Local : Field: Simple Field: Set As : "Patient:"
Local: Field:  Simple Field: Style: small italic
Local : Field: Simple Field: align : left
Local : Field: Simple Field: FullWidth : No
Local : Field: Simple Field: widtth : 15
Local : Field : Name Field: Set As : $Narration
Local : Field : Name Field : Width : 25
Local : Field : Name Field : Align : left
Local : Field : Name Field : Style : small bold
Local : Field : Name Field : Space Left : 3 mms
[Line: EXPSMP Doctor]
fields: Name Field, Simple Field
Local: Field:  Name Field: Set As: "Refd by Dr.:"
Local: Field:  Name Field: Style: small italic
Local: Field:  Name Field: widtth: 15
Local: Field:  Name Field: align: left
Local: Field:  Name Field: Preprinted : Yes
Local: Field:  Simple Field: Set As: $Reference
Local: Field:  Simple Field: Style: small bold
Local: Field:  Simple Field: widtth: 25
Local: Field:  Simple Field: align: left
Local : Field : Simple Field : Space Left : 3 mms
[#Field: VCH Ref Combo]
Local: Field: Vch Ref : widtth: 20
Local: Field: Vch Ref : Case : Title Case
Local: Field: Vch Ref : Inactive : NOT @ @ IsInvoice or NOT @ @ IsSales
Local: Field: Simple Prompt : Info: "Refd by Dr.:"
Local: Field: Simple Prompt : widtth: Refd by Dr.:
Local: Field: Simple Prompt : style: small italic
Local: Field: Simple Prompt : Inactive : NOT @ @ IsInvoice or NOT @ @ IsSales
[#Part: EXPSMP Column]
SpaceBottom : 0
CommonBorder: No
[#Line : EXPSMP Column1]
add: Left fields: before : EXPINV DescTitle : Short Name Field
Delete : Right Fields: EXPINV DueTitle, EXPINV DiscTitle
add: Left fields: after: EXPINV DescTitle: Simple Field
Local       : Field : Short Name Field : style  : small bold
Local       : Field : Short Name Field : set as  : "Sl."
Local       : Field : Short Name Field : widtth  : 3
Local       : Field : Simple field : set as  : "Mfgd By"
Local       : Field : Simple field :Style: small bold
Local       : Field : Simple field :widtth: 12
Local       : Field : Simple field :align : left
Local       : Field : EXPINV RateTitle      : Info : "Rate"
Local       : Field : EXPINV AmountTitle    : Info : "Amount"
[#Line : EXPSMP Column2]
add: Left fields: Short Name Field, Simple Field, VCH BatchNameTitle, VCH MfgDateTitle, VCH ExpiryDateTitle
Delete : Right Fields: EXPINV DueTitle, EXPINV ActualQtyTitle, EXPINV DiscTitle
Local       : Field : Short Name Field : set as  : "No."
Local       : Field : Short Name Field : widtth  : 3
Local       : Field : Short Name Field : style  : small
Local       : Field : Simple Field : set as  : "BQty"
Local       : Field : Simple Field : widtth  : 8
Local       : Field : Simple Field : style  : small bold
Local       : Field : Simple Field : align  : right
Local       : Field : VCH MfgDateTitle : Width: 12
Local       : Field : VCH MfgDateTitle : align: right
Local       : Field : VCH ExpiryDateTitle : Width: 12
Local       : Field : VCH ExpiryDateTitle : align: right
Local       : Field : EXPINV RatePerTitle : set as : ""
[#Part: EXPSMP Invoice]
[#Part: EXPSMP InvDetails]
[#Line: EXPSMP InvDetails]
add: Left fields: before: EXPINV Desc: MultiSno
Delete : Right Fields: EXPINV DueOn, EXPINV ActualQty, EXPINV Discount
add: Left fields: after: EXPINV Desc: Simple Field
Local       : Field : MultiSno : style  : small
Local       : Field : MultiSno : widtth  : 3
Explode     : EXPINV AltQty     : NOT @ @ ISInvoice or NOT @ @ ISSales
Explode     : EI DescExplosion  : NOT @ @ ISInvoice or NOT @ @ ISSales
Local       : Field : Simple field : set as  :$Category:StockItem:$StockItemName
Local       : Field : Simple field : Style:        small
Local       : Field : Simple field :align :   right
Local       : Field : Simple field : widtth: 12
[#Line: EXPSMP BatchName]
Delete: fields: EXPINV BatchNamePrompt
add: fields: before: EXPINV BatchName: EXPINV BatchBilledQty
add: fields: EXPINV MfgDate, EXPINVExpDate
Delete: RightFields : EXPINV DueOn, EXPINV BatchActualQty, EXPINV BatchBilledQty, EXPINV AccDiscount
Indent      : 5
Local       : Field : EXPINV BatchBilledQty : widtth  : 8
Local       : Field : EXPINV BatchBilledQty : Style  : small
Local       : Field : EXPINV BatchBilledQty : align  : right
Local       : Field : EXPINV BatchName : widtth: 8
Local       : Field : EXPINV BatchName : align: right
Local       : Field : EXPINV BatchName : style: small
Local       : Field : EXPINV MfgDate : widtth: 12
Local       : Field : EXPINV MfgDate : align: right
Local       : Field : EXPINV MfgDate : style: small
Local       : Field : EXPINV ExpDate : align: right
Local       : Field : EXPINV ExpDate : style: small
Local       : Field : EXPINV ExpDate : widtth: 12
Local       : Field : EXPINV RatePerTitle : set as : ""
[#Part: EXPSMP AccDetails]
Add : Lines :  EXPSMP Totals, EXPSMP Sign, EXPSMP message
[#Line : EXPSMP AccDetails]
add: Left fields: before: EXPINV AccSign: MultiSno Title
Delete:  Right fields: EXPINV AccDueOn, EXPINV AccActualQty, EXPINV AccDiscount
add: Left fields: after: EXPINV AccSign: Simple Field
Local       : Field : MultiSno Title : set As   : ""
Local       : Field : Simple field :widtth:    8
Local       : Field : Simple field : info: ""
[#Line: EXPSMP Totals]
Delete: Right fields: EXPINV AccDueOn, EXPINV ActualQtyTotal, EXPINV DiscTotal
add: Left fields: Simple Field
Local       : Field : Info Field: Info  : "TOTAL"
Local       : Field : Info Field: Style : small
Local       : Field : Info Field: widtth : 12
Local       : Field : EXPINV BilledQtyTotal: style : small
Local       : Field : EXPINV EXPINV Total: style : small
Local       : Field : Simple Field : set as : ""
[Line: EXPSMP Sign]
Right Fields: Name Field
Local : Field : Name Field : Info : "Salesman"
Local : Field : Name Field : Style : small
Local : Field : Name Field : align : right
Space Top: 0.5
[Line: EXPSMP message]
Field: Simple Declaration
[#Field: Simple Declaration]
Info: "Thank You. Goods Once Sold cannot be taken back."
Style:  small bold
Lines: 0
FullWidth: Yes
Border: Thin Top
[#Part : EXPINV InvInfo]
[#Line : EXPINV InvSubTotal]
Space Top: 0
Space Bottom: 0
[#Part: EI BaseInfo]
Delete: Line: EI partyLimit
add: Line: EI Patient
[#Line: EI Consignee]
Local   : Field : Short Prompt : Info : "A/c:"
[Line: EI Patient]
Field   : Simple Prompt, Vch Narration
Local   : Field : Simple Prompt : Info      : "Patient:"
Local   : Field : Simple Prompt : Inactive : NOT @ @ IsInvoice or NOT @ @ IsSales
Local: field: Vch Narration: Width       : 25
Local: field: Vch Narration: style: Normal bold
Local: field: Vch Narration: Lines : 1
Local: field: Vch Narration: Inactive : NOT @ @ IsInvoice or NOT @ @ IsSales
[#Part: ICFG Common]
[#Line: ICFGSupplementary]
Local: Field: Logical Field : Set As : No
[#Line: ICFGDefaultDet]
Local: Field: Logical Field : Set As : Yes
[#Line: ICFGCommonLed]
Local: Field: Logical Field : Set As : Yes
[#Line: ICFGDefaultBill]
Local: Field: Logical Field : Set As : Yes
[#Line: ICFGAddlDesc]
Local: Field: Logical Field : Set As : No
[#Line: ICFGBuyerDetails]
Local: Field: Logical Field : Set As : No
[#Line : ICFGExcisePrinting]
Invisible : @ @ IsInvoice
[#Part: ICFG Export]
[#Line: ICFGExportDetails]
Local: Field: Logical Field : Set As : No
[#Line: ICFGMarks]
Local: Field: Logical Field : Set As : No
[#Line: ICFGNumPackages]
Local: Field: Logical Field : Set As : No
[#Part: ICFG Invoicing]
[#Line: ICFGCumulateTax]
Local: Field: Logical Field : Set As : No
[#Line: ICFGAccAllocOnOrder]
Local: Field: Logical Field : Set As : No
[#Line: ICFGEditAll]
Local: Field: Logical Field : Set As : No
[#Form: Voucher Configuration]
[#Part: VCFG Accounts]
[#Line: VCFGSkipDate]
Local: Field: Logical Field : Set As : Yes
[#Line: VCFG NegativeCash]
Local: Field: Logical Field : Set As : No
[#Line: VCFG GodownExplode]
Local: Field: Logical Field : Set As : No
[#Line: VCFG NegativeStock]
Local: Field: Logical Field : Set As : No
[#Field: EXPINV AccSubTot]
Style: small
[#Field: EXPINV SubTot]
Style: small
[#Field: EXPINV ValueSubTotal]
Style: small
[#Field: VCH MfgDateTitle]
Info : "Mfg Date"
Style:         small
Align:  right
Delete: Border
[#Field: VCH ExpiryDateTitle]
Info : "Exp Date"
Style:         small
Align:  right
Delete: Border


Manoj Garg (Support on Tally Excel Password Recovery etc.)   (1987 Points)
Replied 01 September 2009

;;Cheque Register by Manoj Garg [#Menu: Account Books] Add : Item : After : Cash/Bank Book(s) : cheque Register : Display : Chreg : NOT $$IsEmpty:$$SelectedCmps [Report : Chreg] Variables : SV CurrentCompany, SV FromDate, SV ToDate, SV SortMethod, SVBudget, SVVariance Set : SV Sort Method : "Default" Set : SV From Date : if $$InPrintMode then $$MonthStart:##SVCurrentDate else ##SVCurrentDate Set : SV To Date : if $$InPrintMode then $$MonthEnd:##SVCurrentDate else ##SVCurrentDate Set : Is Day Book : Yes form : ChReg [Form : ChReg] Use : Dsp Template Height : 100 % Page Width : 100 % Page Part : ChqBody [Part : ChqBody] Lines : chqlineh, chqline Repeat : Chqline : Pymtvchs Scroll : Vertical common border : Yes [Line : ChqLineh] Fields : Fldsl, FldDate, FldPart Right Fields: FldChno, FldAmt, Fldhead Local : Field : Fldsl : Set as : "Sl. No." Local : Field : FldDate : Set as : "Date" Local : Field : FldDate : Type : String Local : Field : FldPart : Set as : "Naration" Local : Field : FldChno : Set as : "Chq. No." Local : Field : FldAmt : Set as : "Amount" Local : Field : FldAmt : Type : String Local : Field : Fldhead : Set as : "Account Head" Local : Field : Fldsl : Align : Center Local : Field : FldDate : Align : Center Local : Field : FldPart : Align : Center Local : Field : FldChno : Align : Center Local : Field : FldAmt : Align : Center Local : Field : Fldhead : Align : Center Border : thin Top Bottom [Line : ChqLine] Fields : Fldsl, FldDate, FldPart Right Fields : FldChno, FldAmt, Fldhead Option : AlterOnEnter : $$IsVoucher AND NOT $IsDeleted Explode : headdetail : $$KeyExplode OR ##ExplodeFlag [Field : Fldsl] Use : Short Name Field Set as : $VoucherNumber Width : @ @ Shortnamewidtth - 8 Align : Right Alter : Voucher : $$IsVoucher AND NOT $IsDeleted space Right : 2 Border : thin Right [Field : FldDate] Use : Uni Date Field Set as : $Date Border : thin Right widtth : 10 [Field : FldPart] Use : Name Field Set as : $Narration ;;$VoucherChequename Width : @ @ namewidtth + @ @ namewidtth [Field : FldChno] Use : Short Name Field Set as : $InterChequeNumber Width : @ @ Shortnamewidtth - 4 Align : center Border : thin left [Field : FldAmt] Use : Amount Field Set as : $$FilterAmtTotal:AllLedgerEntries:ChBkEntries:$Amount ;;$Amount space Right : 1 Border : thin left [Field : Fldhead] Use : Name field Set as : $Ledgername Width : @ @ namewidtth Border : thin left [Collection : Pymtvchs] collection : Pymtvchsgb Collection : Pymtvchsgbod [Collection : Pymtvchsgb] Type : Vouchers : group Childof : $$groupbank Filter : Pymtvchs [Collection : Pymtvchsgbod] Type : Vouchers : group Childof : $$GroupBankOD Filter : Pymtvchs [System : formula] Pymtvchs : $$IsPayment:$VoucherTypeName ;;and ChBkEntries : not $$IsCashLedger:$LedgerName AND $$IsDr:$Amount [Part : HeadDetail] Line : Chqexpln Repeat : Chqexpln : AllLedgerEntries Option : small size Part [Line : Chqexpln] Fields : Fldsle, FldDatee, FldParte Right Fields : FldChnoe, FldAmte, Fldheade Empty : $$IsCashLedger:$LedgerName AND ($$FilterCount:AllLedgerEntries:PPRNonCashBankEntries > 0) [Field : Fldsle] Use : Short Name Field Set as : "" Width : @ @ Shortnamewidtth - 8 Align : Right Alter : Voucher : $$IsVoucher AND NOT $IsDeleted space Right : 2 Border : thin Right [Field : FldDatee] Use : Uni Date Field Set as : "" Border : thin Right widtth : 10 [Field : FldParte] Use : Name Field Set as : "" Width : @ @ namewidtth + @ @ namewidtth [Field : FldChnoe] Use : Short Name Field Set as : "" Width : @ @ Shortnamewidtth - 4 Align : center Border : thin left [Field : FldAmte] Use : Amount Field Set as : $Amount space Right : 1 Border : thin left [Field : Fldheade] Use : Name field Set as : $Ledgername Width : @ @ namewidtth Border : thin left

Manoj Garg (Support on Tally Excel Password Recovery etc.)   (1987 Points)
Replied 01 September 2009

;;Address Book by Manoj Garg

;;Display Address for Sundry Debtors and Creditors

;;Add a new menu-option in Gateway of Tally
[#Menu: GatewayOfTally]
 Add: Item: Before: ~Balance Sheet: Other Reports: Menu: MyMenu

;;Menu options for "Address book"
[Menu: MyMenu]
 Title: Address Book
 Add: Item: Sundry ~Debtors : Display : SD Address Book
 Add: Item: Sundry ~Creditors : Display: SC Address book
 ;Add : Item : Create Division : Alter : DDCust Division : @ @ DDIsCustomizedOK
 ;Add: Item: GRN Register : Display : GRNRegister : NOT $$IsEmpty:$$SelectedCmps

 ;;Sundry Debtors Address Book Report
[Report: SD Address Book]
 ;;DSP Template is a report defined in default TDL
     Use: DSP Template

 Form: SD Address Book
 Title: Sundry Debtors Address Book

;;Sundry Creditors Address Book Report
[Report: SC Address Book]
     ;; Inherit from Sundry Debtors Report that we defined earlier
  Use: SD Address Book  

 ;;Should show Ledger falling under Sundry Creditors
     ;;The 'Local' keyword here re-uses the Global Collection "My Sundry Debtors" and
     ;;modifies it to include "Sundry Creditors" list
 Local: Collection: My Sundry Debtors: Child Of: $$GroupSundryCreditors
 Title: Sundry Creditors Address Book

[Form: SD Address Book]
 Use: DSP Template
 Part: SD Address Book Title, SD Address Book

[Part: SD Address Book Title]
 Line: SD Address Book Title

[Line: SD Address Book title]
 Use: SD Address Book
 Local: Field: SD Sr no    : Set as: "S. No."
 Local: Field: SD Name   : Set as: "Name"
 Local: Field: SD TinNo    : Set as: "Tin No."
 Local: Field: SD Phone   : Set as: "Phone"
 Local: Field: SD Address  : Set as: "Address"

[Part: SD Address Book]
 Line: SD Address Book
 Repeat: SD Address Book: My Sundry Debtors
 Scroll: Vertical
 Common Border: Yes

[Line: SD Address Book]
 Field: SD Sr No,SD Name
 Right Field: SD TinNo, SD Phone, SD Address
 Option  : AlterOnEnter ;;: $$IsLedger AND NOT $IsDeleted
[Field: SD Sr No]
 Use: Short Name Field
 Set as: $$Line
 Style: Normal
 Width: 4
 Align: Centre

[Field: SD Name]
 Use: NAme Field

        ;;Retrieve the value of Internal Object 'Name' of Ledger Object
 Set as: $Name
 Full Width: Yes
 Border: Thin Left

[Field: SD TinNo]
 USe: Short Name Field

        ;;Retrieve the value of Internal Object 'LedgerContact' of Ledger Object
 Set As: $VatTinNumber
 Style: Normal
 Border: Thin Left

[Field: SD Phone]
 Use: Short Name Field
        ;;Retrieve the value of Internal Object 'LedgerPhone' of Ledger Object
        Set As: $LedgerPhone
 Style: Normal
 Border: Thin Left

[Field: SD Address]
 Use: Short Name Field

        ;;Retrieve the value of Internal Object 'Address' of Ledger Object
 Set As: $$FullList:Address:$Address
 Style: Normal
 Border: Thin Left

 ;;Expands to fit multiple lines
        Lines: 0

        ;;Define Collection for retreiving sundry debtors list
[Collection: My Sundry Debtors]
 Type: Ledger
 Child of: $$GroupSundryDebtors
 Belongs To: Yes


Manoj Garg (Support on Tally Excel Password Recovery etc.)   (1987 Points)
Replied 01 September 2009

;; Sample Invoice
;; Sri Ganeshji : Sri Balaji : Sri Pitreshwarji : Sri Durgaji : Sri Venkateshwara
;; PRODUCT: <Invoice>
;; AUTHOR: <Ketan Repairs & Services>

[#Line: EI InvInfo]

    Option : EI InvInfo Sales : @ @ IsSales
[!Line : EI InvInfo Sales]

    Add : Right Field : Before : VCH Rate : VCH VATAmt, VCH VATRate
    Local : Field : VCH VATAmt  : Inactive  : $$IsSysName:$StockItemName
    Local : Field : VCH VATRate : Inactive  : $$IsSysName:$StockItemName
    Local : Field : VCH VATAmt  : Invisible : @ @ HasInvSubAlloc
    Local : Field : VCH VATRate : Invisible : @ @ HasInvSubAlloc
[#Line: CI InvInfo]

    Option : CI InvInfo Sales : @ @ IsSales
[!Line : CI InvInfo Sales]

    Add : Right Field : Before : VCH Rate : VCH VATAmt, VCH VATRate
    Local : Field : VCH VATAmt  : Inactive  : $$IsSysName:$StockItemName
    Local : Field : VCH VATRate : Inactive  : $$IsSysName:$StockItemName
    Local : Field : VCH VATAmt  : Invisible : @ @ HasInvSubAlloc
    Local : Field : VCH VATRate : Invisible : @ @ HasInvSubAlloc

[#Line: VCHBATCH ColumnOne]

    Option : VCHBATCH ColumnOne Sales : @ @ IsSales
[!Line : VCHBATCH ColumnOne Sales]

    Add : Right Field : Before : VCH RateTitle : VCH VATAmt Title, VCH VATRate Title
[Field : VCH VATAmt Title]

    Use     : Short Name Field
    Set as  : "Gross Amount"
    Width   : @ @ AmountWidth
    Skip    : Yes
    Align   : Center

[Field : VCH VATRate Title]

    Use     : Short Name Field
    Set as  : "Rate"
    Width   : 5
    Skip    : Yes
    Align   : Center

[#Line: STKVCH Batch2]

    Option : STKVCH Batch2 Sales : @ @ IsSales
[!Line : STKVCH Batch2 Sales]

    Add : Right Field : Before : VCHBATCH Rate : VCH VATAmt, VCH VATRate
    Local : Field : VCH VATAmt  : Inactive : @ @ NoBaseUnits OR @ @ BatchAllocBreak
    Local : Field : VCH VATRate : Inactive : @ @ NoBaseUnits OR @ @ BatchAllocBreak
[Field : VCH VATAmt]

    Use     : Amount Field
    Storage : VCHVATAmt
[Field : VCH VATRate]

    Use     : Number Field
    Storage : VCHVATRate
    Width   : 5
    Align   : Right
    Format  : "Nozero,Percentage"
[#Field : VCH NrmlRate]

    Option : VCH NrmlRate Sales : @ @ IsSales
[!Field : VCH NrmlRate Sales]

    Set as : if @ @ HasInvSubAlloc then $BatchRate else +
             if Not $$IsEmpty:$VCHVATAmt then ($VCHVATAmt * 100) / ($VCHVATRate + 100) else $$Value
[#Field: VCHBATCH Rate]

    Option : VCHBATCH Rate Sales : @ @ IsSales
[!Field : VCHBATCH Rate Sales]

    Set as : if Not $$IsEmpty:$VCHVATAmt then ($VCHVATAmt * 100) / ($VCHVATRate + 100) else $$Value
[#Part: Basic Company]

    Add : Top Line : CMP Descripttion
[Line : CMP Descripttion]

    Field : Medium Prompt, Name Field
    Local : Field : Medium Prompt : set as  : "Descripttion :"
    Local : Field : Name Field    : widtth   : @ @ NameWidth * 2
    Local : Field : Name Field    : Storage : CMPDescripttion

[System : UDF]

    EIWarrantyFrom   : Date   : 3
    EIWarrantyTo     : Date   : 4
    CMPDescripttion   : String : 31
    VCHVATAmt        : Amount : 3
    VCHVATRate       : Number : 5
[#Field : EI Desc]

    widtth : 40
    Max   : 55
;;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Screen +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

[#Part: EI DelNoteDetails]

    Option : EI WarrantyFrom1 : @ @ IsSales
[!Part : EI WarrantyFrom1]

    Line : EI WarrantyFrom1
[Line: EI WarrantyFrom1]

    Field       : Medium Prompt, EI WarrantyFrom, Simple Field, EI WarrantyTO
    Local       : Field : Medium Prompt : Set as    : $$LocaleString:"Warranty From :"
    Local       : Field : Simple Field  : Info      : $$LocaleString:"To :"
[Field : EI WarrantyFrom]

    Use         : UniDateField
    Storage     : EIWarrantyFrom
    Set as      : $EIWarrantyFrom
    Align       : Left
[Field : EI WarrantyTo]

    Use         : UniDateField
    Storage     : EIWarrantyTo
    Set Always  : Yes
    Align       : Left
    Inactive    : $$IsSysName:$EIWarrantyFrom


[#Form : Sales Color]

 Delete  : Print
 Add     : Print : RSTIL TaxInvoice
[Report : RSTIL TaxInvoice]

 Use  : STDInvoice
 Form : RSTIL TaxInvoice
[Form : RSTIL TaxInvoice]

 Part        : STD InvoiceTop, RSTIL TopPart, RSTIL TaxInvoice Body
 Bottom Part : RSTIL TaxInvoice Bottom
 Height     : @ @ InvHeight Inch
 Width     : @ @ InvWidth Inch
 Space Top   : @ @ InvSpace  Inch
 Space Right : 0.5 Inch
 Space Left  : 0.75  Inch
 Space Bottom: 0.5 inch
[Part : RSTIL TopPart]

    Part : RSTIL TitlePart, RSTIL BuyerPart
    Vertical : Yes

[Part : RSTIL TitlePart]

    Line : RSTIL CMPName, RSTIL CMPDesc, RSTIL CMPAddress
    Preprinted : Yes
[Line : RSTIL CMPName]

    Field : Name Field
    Local : Field : Name Field : set as : @ @ CMPMailName
    Local : Field : Name Field : Align  : Center
    Local : Field : Name Field : Style  : Very Large
    Local : Field : Name Field : Full Width : Yes
[Line : RSTIL CMPDesc]

    Field : Name Field
    Local : Field : Name Field : set as : $CMPDescripttion:Company:##SVCurrentCompany
    Local : Field : Name Field : Align  : Center
    Local : Field : Name Field : Style  : Large
    Local : Field : Name Field : Full Width : Yes
[Line : RSTIL CMPAddress]

    Field : Name Field
    Local : Field : Name Field : set as : $$FullList:CompanyAddress:$Address
    Local : Field : Name Field : Align  : Center
    Local : Field : Name Field : Style  : Large
    Local : Field : Name Field : Full Width : Yes
[Style  : Very Large]

    Use    : Large Bold
    Height : 22
[Part : RSTIL BuyerPart]

    Part   : RSTL CustomerAddress
 Right Part  : RSTIL Invoice Details
 Height  : 1.75 Inch
 Border  : Thin Box
[Part : RSTL CustomerAddress]

 Line  : RSTL Customer, RSTL CustomerName, RSTL CustomerAddress
 Repeat  : RSTL CustomerAddress : Buyer Address
[Line : RSTL Customer]

 Field : Name Field
 Local : Field : Name Field : Set as  : "Customer"
 Local : Field : Name Field : Width   : 20
 Local : Field : Name Field : Style  : Normal
 Space Bottom  : 0.5

[Line : RSTL CustomerName]

 Field : Name Field ;;Short Prompt,
 Local : Field : Short Prompt : Set As  : "Name :"
 Local : Field : Short Prompt : Width  : 10
 Local : Field : Short Prompt : Style  : Normal Bold
 Local : Field : Name Field   : Set as : $BuyerName
 Local : Field : Name Field   : Width  : 40
 Local : Field : Name Field   : Style  : Normal Bold
 Space Bottom  : 0.5
 indent        : 2
[Line : RSTL CustomerAddress]

 Field : Name Field ;; Short Prompt,
 Local : Field : Short Prompt : Set As  : "Address :"
 Local : Field : Short Prompt : Width  : 10
 Local : Field : Short Prompt : Style  : Normal
 Local : Field : Short Prompt : Inactive : $$Line>1
 Local : Field : Name Field   : Set as : $BuyerAddress
 Local : Field : Name Field   : Width  : 40
 Local : Field : Name Field   : Style  : Normal
 Space Bottom  : 0.25
  indent        : 2

[Part : RSTIL Invoice Details]

    Part     : RSTIL Title, RSTIL TAXInvoiceDetails
    Vertical : Yes
    Border   : Thin Left
[Part   : RSTIL Title]

 Line : RSTIL Title
[Line : RSTIL Title]

 Field : Name Field
 Local : Field : Name Field : Set as  : ##ReportTitle
 Local : Field : Name Field : Width      : 40
 Local : Field : Name Field : Style   : Large Bold
 Local : Field : Name Field : Align   : Center
 Space Bottom  :  0.4
 Space Top    :  0.4
[Part : RSTIL TAXInvoiceDetails]

 Line   : RSTIL InvNumber, RSTIL InvDate, RSTIL PONumber, RSTIL PODate, RSTIL PaymentTerms
 Border : Thin Top
[Line : RSTIL InvDate]

 Use     : RSTIL InvNumber
 Local   : Field : Short Prompt : Set as : "Date :"
 Local   : Field : Name Field   : Set As : $$String:$Date:ShortDate
 Delete  : Space Top
[Line : RSTIL InvNumber]

 Field : Short Prompt, Name Field
 Local : Field : Short Prompt : Set as : "Tax Invoice No.:"
 Local : Field : Short Prompt : Width : 15
 Local : Field : Short Prompt : Style : Normal
 Local : Field : Name Field  : Set As  : $VoucherNumber
 Local : Field : Name Field  : Width : 25
 Local : Field : Name Field  : Style : Normal
 Space Bottom  : 1
 Space Top     : 0.5
 indent        : 2
[Line : RSTIL PaymentTerms]

 Use     : RSTIL InvDate
 Local   : Field : Short Prompt : Set as : "Payment Terms :"
 Local   : Field : Name Field   : Set As : $DueDateofPymt
 Delete  : Space Bottom
[Line : RSTIL PODate]

 Use   : RSTIL InvDate
 Local : Field : Short Prompt : Set as : "Date :"
 Local : Field : Name Field  : Set As  : $$String:$OrderDate:ShortDate
[Line : RSTIL PONumber]

 Use   : RSTIL InvDate
 Local : Field : Short Prompt : Set as : "PO No. :"
 Local : Field : Name Field  : Set As  : $PurchaseOrderNo
[Part : RSTIL TaxInvoice Body]

    Part        : RSTIL Item Part, RSTIL Ledger Part
    Vertical    : Yes
    Scroll   : Vertical
 Common Border : Yes
 Float  : No
 Border   : Thin Cover
[Part : RSTIL Item Part]

 Line    : RSTL ItemTitle, RSTL ItemDetails, RSTIL InvSubTotal
 Repeat   : RSTL ItemDetails : Inventory Entries
 Scroll   : Vertical
 Total       : RSTL Amount

[Line : RSTL ItemTitle]

 Field    : RSTL SrNoTitle, RSTL DescTitle
 Right Field  : RSTL QtyTitle, RSTL RateTitle, RSTL AmountTitle, RSTL VATTAXTitle, RSTL VATAmtTitle
 Border    : Thin Bottom
 Space Bottom  : 0.2
 Space Top  : 0.2
[Field : RSTL SrNoTitle]

 Use  : Short Name Field
 Set As  : "Sr. No."
 Align : Center
 Width  : 10
 Style : Normal Bold
 Border  : Thin Right
[Field : RSTL DescTitle]

 Use  : Name Field
 Set as : "Descripttion"
 Width  : 45
 Align : Center
 Style : Normal Bold
[Field : RSTL QtyTitle]

 Use  : Short Name Field
 Set As  : "Qty"
 Align : Center
 Width  : 8
 Style : Normal Bold
 Border  : Thin Left

[Field : RSTL RateTitle]

 Use  : Short Name Field
 Set As  : "Rate"
 Align : Center
 Width  : 10
 Style : Normal Bold
 Border  : Thin Left

[Field : RSTL AmountTitle]

 Use  : Short Name Field
 Set As  : "Amount"
 Align : Center
 Width  : @ @ AmountWidth
 Style : Normal Bold
 Border  : Thin Left

[Field : RSTL VATTAXTitle]

 Use  : Short Name Field
 Set As  : "VAT"
 Align : Center
 Width  : @ @ NumberWidth
 Style : Normal Bold
 Border  : Thin Left

[Field : RSTL VATAmtTitle]

 Use  : Short Name Field
 Set As  : "Total"
 Align : Center
 Width  : @ @ AmountWidth
 Style : Normal Bold
 Border  : Thin Left

[Line : RSTL ItemDetails]

 Field    : RSTL SrNo, RSTL Desc
 Right Field  : RSTL Qty, RSTL Rate, RSTL Amount, RSTL VATTax, RSTL VATAmt
 Explode     : RSTL Descripttion : Not @ @ IsSales And not $$IsEmpty: @ @ Desc2
 Explode     : RSTL SalesDescExplosion : @ @ IsSales and NOT $$IsEmpty:$StockItemName AND ##ICFGAddlDesc AND NOT $$IsEmpty:$UserDescripttion

[Part: RSTL SalesDescExplosion]

    Line    : RSTL SalesDescExplosion
    Repeat  : RSTL SalesDescExplosion : UserDescripttion
    BreakOn : $$IsEmpty:$UserDescripttion
    Scroll  : Vertical
    Space Bottom : 1
    Space Top : 1
[Line: RSTL SalesDescExplosion]

    Field    : RSTL SrNo, RSTL Desc
 Right Field  : RSTL Qty, RSTL Rate, RSTL Amount, RSTL VATTax, RSTL VATAmt
 Local : Field   : Default   : set as : " "
 Local : Field   : RSTL Desc : set as : $UserDescripttion
 Local : Field   : RSTL Desc : Style : Normal Italic
[Part : RSTL Descripttion]

    Line   : RSTL Descripttion
    Repeat : RSTL Descripttion:UserDescripttion
    Scroll : Vertical
[Line : RSTL Descripttion]

 Field    : RSTL SrNo, RSTL Desc
 Right Field  : RSTL Qty, RSTL Rate, RSTL Amount, RSTL VATTax, RSTL VATAmt
 Local : Field   : Default   : set as : " "
 Local : Field   : RSTL Desc : set as : $UserDescripttion
 Empty : $UserDescripttion = $$Owner:$UserDescripttion
[System : Formula]
    Desc2 : $$CollectionField:$UserDescripttion:2:UserDescripttion

[Field : RSTL SrNo]

 Use      : Short Name Field
 Set As      : $$Line
 Align     : Right
 Width      : 6
 Space Right : 4
 Style     : Normal
[Field : RSTL Desc]

 Use      : Name Field
 Set as     : if @ @ IsSales then $StockItemName else(If $$IsEmpty:$UserDescripttion then $LedgerName else $UserDescripttion)
 Width      : 45
 Space Left  : 1
 Align     : Left
 Style     : Normal
 Line     : 0
[Field : RSTL Qty]

 Use      : Number Field
 Set As      : $BilledQty
 Align     : Right
 Width      : 6
 Space Right : 2
 Style     : Normal
 Format      : "NoZero"
[Field : RSTL Rate]

 Use      : Rate Price Field
 Set As      : $Rate
 Align     : Right
 Width      : 10
;; Space Right : 2
 Style     : Normal
[Field : RSTL Amount]

 Use      : Amount Field
 Set As      : $Amount
 Align     : Right
 Style     : Normal

[Field : RSTL VATTax]

 Use      : Amount Field
 Set As      : ($Amount  * @ BatchVCHVATRate)/100
 BatchVCHVATRate : $$CollectionField:$VCHVATRate:1:BatchAllocations
 Align     : Right
 Width       : @ @ NumberWidth
 Style     : Normal

[Field : RSTL VATAmt]

 Use      : Amount Field
 Set As      : if $TypeOfDuty:Ledger:$LedgerName Contains "on VAT Rate" or $LedgerName Contains "Round Off" Then " " else if Not $$IsEmpty: @ VATAmount then @ VATAmount * $$Number:$BilledQty else ($Amount * ( @ STKIVCHRate + 100))/100
 BatchVCHVATAmt  : $$CollectionField:$VCHVATAmt:1:BatchAllocations
 VATAmount       : if $$IsEmpty: @ BatchVCHVATAmt then $VCHVATAmt else @ BatchVCHVATAmt
 BatchVCHVATRate : $$CollectionField:$VCHVATRate:1:BatchAllocations
 STKIVCHRate     : if $$IsEmpty: @ BatchVCHVATRate then $VCHVATRate else @ BatchVCHVATRate
 Align     : Right
 Style     : Normal

[Part : RSTIL Ledger Part]

 Line    : RSTL LedgerDetails
 Repeat   : RSTL LedgerDetails : Ledger Entries
 Scroll      : vertical
[Line : RSTL LedgerDetails]

 Field     : RSTL SrNo, RSTL Desc
 Right Field   : RSTL Qty, RSTIL AccRatePer, RSTL Amount, RSTL VATTaxTitle, RSTL VATAmt
 Explode  : RSTIL EXPSMP SRVTCess   : $$IsServiceTaxOn AND @ @ TaxLedgerHasService

 Local : Field : RSTL SrNo   : Set As : ""
 Local : Field : RSTL Desc   : Set As : $LedgerName
    Local : Field : RSTL Desc   : Align  : Right 
 Local : Field : RSTL Qty    : Set As : ""
 Local : Field : RSTL Rate   : Set As : ""
 Local : Field : RSTL Amount : Set As : if NOT @ @ InvWithAmt OR ($$IsServiceTaxOn AND @ @ TaxLedgerHasService) then $$FilterValue:$SurchargeAmount:TaxBillAllocations:First:TaxLedgerHasService else $Amount
 Local : Field : RSTL VATTaxTitle : set as : " "
 Local : Field : RSTL VATTaxTitle : widtth  : 8.5
    Left Fields  : RSTL SrNo, RSTL Desc
 Right Fields : RSTL Qty, RSTIL AccRatePer, RSTL Amount, RSTL VATTaxTitle, RSTL VATAmt
 Empty if  : $$FilterValue:$AddlSurchargeAmount:TaxBillAllocations:First:TaxLedgerHasService <= 0
 Local : Field : Default   : Set As  : ""  
 Local : Field : RSTL Desc         : Set As  : $$LocaleString:"Education Cess"
 Local : Field : RSTL Desc         : Space Right : 1
 Local : Field : RSTIL AccRatePer : Set As  : if $$IsEmpty:$$FilterValue:$TDSSurcharge:TaxBillAllocations:First:TaxLedgerHasService then "" else $$String: @ @ CessPer + "%"
 Local : Field : RSTL Amount  : Set As  : $$FilterValue:$AddlSurchargeAmount:TaxBillAllocations:First:TaxLedgerHasService
 Local : Field : RSTL Amount  : Invisible  : No
 Local   : Field : RSTL VATTaxTitle  : set as : " "
 Local : Field : RSTL VATTaxTitle : widtth  : 8.5
[System : Formula]     

    CessPer : $$FilterValue:$TDSSurcharge:TaxBillAllocations:First:TaxLedgerHasService
[Field: RSTIL AccRatePer]

    Use         : Rate Units Field
    Type        : String
    Align       : Right
    Width      : 11
 Space Right : 2
 Style     : Normal
 Set as      : if $$IsEmpty:$RateOfInvoiceTax then "" else $$String:$RateOfInvoiceTax + "%"
    Inactive    : $$IsSysName:$LedgerName
    Invisible   : NOT @ @ InvWithRate

[Line: RSTIL InvSubTotal]

    Field     : RSTL SrNo, RSTL Desc
    Right Fields  : RSTIL ValueSubTotal, RSTL VATTaxTitle, Amount Field
    Local : Field : RSTL SrNo : Set As     : ""
    Local : Field : RSTL SrNo : Inactive   : ($$NumItems:InventoryEntries = 1) OR ($$IsSysName:$$CollectionField:$LedgerName:2:LedgerEntries)
    Local : Field : RSTL Desc : Set As     : "Total"
    Local : Field : RSTL Desc : Align      : Right
    Local : Field : RSTL Desc : Inactive   : ($$NumItems:InventoryEntries = 1) OR ($$IsSysName:$$CollectionField:$LedgerName:2:LedgerEntries)
    Local : Field : RSTL VATTaxTitle : set as : " "
    Space Top     : 0.5
    Space Bottom  : 0.5

[Field: RSTIL ValueSubTotal]

    Use         : Amount Forex Field
    Set as      : $$Total:RSTLAmount
    Inactive    : ($$NumItems:InventoryEntries = 1) OR ($$IsSysName:$$CollectionField:$LedgerName:2:LedgerEntries)
    Border      : Thin Top  : ($$NumItems:InventoryEntries > 1) AND (NOT $$IsSysName:$$CollectionField:$LedgerName:2:LedgerEntries)
    Skip        : Yes
 Style     : Normal
    Invisible   : NOT @ @ InvWithAmt
;[Border: Right Thin Top]

;    Top         : Thin, Full Length
 ;   Right        : Thin

[Field : RSTIL Warranty]

    Field : Medium Prompt, Short Date Field, Simple Field, WDate 
    Local : Field : Medium Prompt    : Set As : "Warranty From : "
    Local : Field : Short Date Field : Set As : $EIWarrantyFrom
    Local : Field : Simple Field : Set As : "To    "
    Local : Field : Simple Field : Inactive : $$IsEmpty:$EIWarrantyFrom
[Field : WDate]

    Use : Short Date Field
    Set As : $EIWarrantyTo
[Part : RSTIL TaxInvoice Bottom]

    Part     : RSTIL Bottom1, RSTIL Bottom2, RSTIL Bottom3, RSTIL Bottom4
    Vertical : Yes
[Part : RSTIL Bottom1]

    Part     : RSTIL VATTinNo, RSTIL InWords
    Vertical : Yes
    Border   : Thin Box
[Part : RSTIL VATTinNo]

    Part       : RSTIL VATNo
    Right Part : RSTIL Total
[Part  : RSTIL VATNo]

    Line    : RSTIL CompanyLTax, RSTIL CompanyITax, RSTIL ServiceTaxNo, RSTIL WarrantyFrom
    Width   : 58.75

[Line: RSTIL CompanyLTax]

    Fields      : Medium Prompt, Name Field
    Local       : Field : Medium Prompt : Set as     : if @ @ IsIndian then (If @ @ IsIndianVAT then $$LocaleString:"VAT/TIN No. :" else $$LocaleString:"B.S.T No. :") else $$LocaleString:"VAT/TIN No.:"
    Local       : Field : Medium Prompt : Width      : if NOT $$InPixelMode then 0 else @ @ MediumWidth
 Local       : Field : Name Field    : Set as     : @ @ CMPLTaxNumber
 Local       : Field : Name Field    : Full Width : Yes
 Invisible   : NOT @ @ CompanyTax OR $$IsEmpty: @ @ CMPLTaxNumber
    Space Bottom: if @ @ IsIndian then 0 else 1

[Line: RSTIL CompanyITax]

    Fields      : Medium Prompt, Name Field
    Local       : Field : Medium Prompt : Set as     : If @ @ IsIndianVAT then $$LocaleString:"C.S.T No. :" else $$LocaleString:"C.S.T No. :"
    Local       : Field : Medium Prompt : Width      : if NOT $$InPixelMode then 0 else @ @ MediumWidth
    Local       : Field : Name Field    : Set as     : $InterStateSTNumber:Company:##SVCurrentCompany
    Local       : Field : Name Field    : Full Width : Yes
    Invisible   : NOT @ @ CompanyTax OR NOT @ @ IsIndian OR $$IsEmpty:$InterStateSTNumber:Company:##SVCurrentCompany
 Space Bottom: If @ @ IsIndian Then 0 Else 1

[Line: RSTIL ServiceTaxNo]

 Fields  : Medium Prompt, Name Field
 Local  : Field : Medium Prompt : Set As     : $$LocaleString:"Service Tax No. :"
 Local  : Field : Medium Prompt : Width      : If NOT $$InPixelMode Then 0 Else @ @ MediumWidth
 Local  : Field : Name Field    : Set As     : $STRegNumber:Company:##SVCurrentCompany
    Local       : Field : Name Field    : Full Width : Yes
    Invisible : $$IsEmpty:$STRegNumber:Company:##SVCurrentCompany
[Line : RSTIL WarrantyFrom]

    Field         : RSTIL Warranty
    Local : Field : RSTIL Warranty   : Full Width : Yes
    Space Bottom  : 0.2
    Border : Thin Top
[Part : RSTIL InWords]

    Line: RSTIL AmtInWords

[Line: RSTIL AmtInWords]

    Field : Short Prompt, RSTIL AmtInWords
    Local : Field : Short Prompt : Set As : "Rupees:"
    Local : Field : Short Prompt : Style  : Normal Bold
    Local : Field : Short Prompt : Width  : 10
    SpaceTop      : 0.5
    SpaceBottom   : 0.5
    Border        : Thin Top
[Field: RSTIL AmtInWords]

    Max         : @ @ MaxNarrWidth
    Set as      : $$InWords:#RSTILTotal:$$LocaleString:"NoSymbol" + $$LocaleString:" Only"
    Style       : Normal
    Lines       : 0
    FullWidth   : Yes
    Inactive    : $$IsEmpty:#RSTILTotal
    Invisible   : NOT @ @ InvWithAmt
[Part : RSTIL Total]

    Line           : RSTIL Total
    Common Border  : Yes
    Border         : Thin Left
[Line : RSTIL Total]

    Field   : Short Name Field
    Right Field : RSTIL Total, RSTL VATTaxTitle, Amount Field
    Space Top     : 0.5
    Space Bottom  : 0.5
    Local : Field : Short Name Field : Set As : "GRAND TOTAL"
    Local : Field : Short Name Field : Align  : Right
    Local : Field : Short Name Field : Width  : 16
    Local : Field : Amount Field     : set as : $Amount
    Local : Field : Amount Field     : Border : Thin Left
    Local : Field : Amount Field     : widtth  : 12
    Local : Field : RSTIL Total      : widtth  : 12.25
    Local : Field : RSTL VATTaxTitle : set as : " "
[Field : RSTIL Total]

    Use         : Amount Field
    Set as      : $Amount
    Border      : Thin Left

[Part : RSTIL Bottom2]

    Line : RSTIL Bottom2
[Line : RSTIL Bottom2]

    Field         : Short Prompt
    Right Field   : Short Name Field
    Local : Field : Short Prompt     : Set As : "TERMS :"
    Local : Field : Short Prompt     : Style  : Small
    Local : Field : Short Prompt     : Align  : Left
    Local : Field : Short Name Field : Set As : "E. & O.E"
    Local : Field : Short Name Field : Style  : Small
    Local : Field : Short Name Field : Align  : Right
    Space Top     : 0.3
[Part : RSTIL Bottom3]

    Part       : RSTIL Terms, RSTIL Declaration
    Right Part : RSTIL Sign
    Height     : 1.9 Inch
[Part : RSTIL Terms]

    Line : RSTIL Terms6, RSTIL Terms3, RSTIL Terms2, RSTIL Terms4, RSTIL Terms5, RSTIL Terms1, RSTIL Terms7
[Line : RSTIL Terms1]

    Field : Simple Field, Name Field
    Local : Field : Simple Field : Set As : "6)"
    Local : Field : Simple Field : Width  : 2
    Local : Field : Name Field   : Set As : "Goods once delivered will not be taken back."
    Local : Field : Name Field   : Line   : 0
    Local : Field : Name Field   : Width  : 30
    Local : Field : Default      : Style  : Small

[Line : RSTIL Terms2]

    Field : Simple Field, Name Field
    Local : Field : Simple Field : Set As : "3)"
    Local : Field : Simple Field : Width  : 2
    Local : Field : Name Field   : Set As : "Our responsibility ceases after delivery is effected."
    Local : Field : Name Field   : Line   : 0
    Local : Field : Name Field   : Width  : 30
    Local : Field : Default      : Style  : Small

[Line : RSTIL Terms3]

    Field : Simple Field, Name Field
    Local : Field : Simple Field : Set As : "2)"
    Local : Field : Simple Field : Width  : 2
    Local : Field : Name Field   : Set As : "Payment to made on demand otherwise interest @ 24% per annum will be charged from the date of the bill."
    Local : Field : Name Field   : Line   : 0
    Local : Field : Name Field   : Width  : 30
    Local : Field : Default      : Style  : Small
[Line : RSTIL Terms4]

    Field : Simple Field, Name Field
    Local : Field : Simple Field : Set As : "4)"
    Local : Field : Simple Field : Width  : 2
    Local : Field : Name Field   : Set As : "Warranty void if cheque dishonoured."
    Local : Field : Name Field   : Line   : 0
    Local : Field : Name Field   : Width  : 30
    Local : Field : Default      : Style  : Small

[Line : RSTIL Terms5]

    Field : Simple Field, Name Field
    Local : Field : Simple Field : Set As : "5)"
    Local : Field : Simple Field : Width  : 2
    Local : Field : Name Field   : Set As : "Replacement Timing : 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Strictly"
    Local : Field : Name Field   : Line   : 0
    Local : Field : Name Field   : Width  : 30
    Local : Field : Default      : Style  : Small

[Line : RSTIL Terms6]

    Field : Simple Field, Name Field
    Local : Field : Simple Field : Set As : "1)"
    Local : Field : Simple Field : Width  : 2
    Local : Field : Name Field   : Set As : "Kindly issue the cheque in favour of ' " + @ @ CMPMailName + " '"
    Local : Field : Name Field   : Line   : 0
    Local : Field : Name Field   : Width  : 30
    Local : Field : Default      : Style  : Small
[Line : RSTIL Terms7]

    Field : Simple Field, Name Field
    Local : Field : Simple Field : Set As : "7)"
    Local : Field : Simple Field : Width  : 2
    Local : Field : Name Field   : Set As : "Please pay by A/C Payee's Cheque only"
    Local : Field : Name Field   : Line   : 0
    Local : Field : Name Field   : Width  : 30
    Local : Field : Default      : Style  : Small

[Part : RSTIL Declaration]

    Line  : EXPINV Declaration
    Local : Field : EXPINV Declaration : Line : 7
    Local : Field : EXPINV Declaration : Full Width : no
    Local : Field : EXPINV Declaration : Width : 45
[Part : RSTIL Sign]

    Line : RSTL ForCompany, RSTL Authorised
[Line : RSTL ForCompany]

 Right Field  : RSTL ForCompany
 Space Bottom : If @ @ IsSales then 4 else 4
 Space Top    : If @ @ IsSales then 3 else 0
[Field : RSTL ForCompany]

 Use         : Name Field
 Set As      : "For "+ @ @ CmpMailName
 Align     : Right
 Width     : 20
 Style      : Small Bold
[Line : RSTL Authorised]

 Right Field : RSTL Authorised
[Field : RSTL Authorised]

 Use         : Name Field
 Set As      : "Authorised Signatory"
 Align     : Right
 Width     : 20
 Style      : Small

[Part : RSTIL Bottom4]

    Line : RSTIL ReceiverSign
[Line : RSTIL ReceiverSign]

    Field : Name Field, RSTIL Subject
    Local : Field : Name Field : Set As : "Receiver's Signature"
    Local : Field : Name Field : Width  : 30
    Local : Field : Name Field : Align  : Center
    Local : Field : Name Field : Border : Thin Top
    Local : Field : Name Field : Style  : Small
[Field : RSTIL Subject]

    Use    : Name Field
    Set As : "Subject to Mumbai Jurisdiction"
    Width  : 35
    Align  : Center
    Style  : Small


Ramu P (Owner) (38 Points)
Replied 15 September 2009

Iwant A some help in tally TDl Lerning  let me know the email & contact no

I Already have some TDL file Like Recyclebin, Advances vouchare type Security, Tally SMS( For Sending SMS Through Tally), Addres Book Many More.....
Thanks & Regards

Email:pallaramu @ gmail.com

Ankur Garg (Company Secretary and Compliance Officer)   (114773 Points)
Replied 21 September 2009


saravanakumar (proprietor) (22 Points)
Replied 23 September 2009

any body having tdl for price list

slno- name of the product   - purchase price - sales price

H V Patel (Job, Business) (99 Points)
Replied 13 April 2010

Hello everyone...

I have an useful .TCP file for tally, can any one know how to de-compile the tally TCP file, plz. help.



H V Patel (Job, Business) (99 Points)
Replied 26 April 2010

Hello Experts in TDL

I need a code for

how to hide a column in a columnar report

what is TDL code for it ? plz. share your experience..thanks



H V Patel (Job, Business) (99 Points)
Replied 29 April 2010

Hello TDL Experts

Can anyone guide me what is TDL code for ;

Re call a data from UDF field of previous voucher to new voucher UDF field

for example, pressing ctrl + R, recall narration of previous voucher to new voucher narration box,

I need in my created UDF field cheque no., and entered cheque no. 123456 in first voucher, now

Re call it in new second voucher cheque No. UDF Field by pressing key like Ctrl +R on any.

Plz. help


Hasmukh Patel

Ayush (Executive ) (6655 Points)
Replied 10 February 2023

Tally TDL stands for Tally Definition Language, which is a proprietary programming language used to extend the capabilities of the Tally Accounting software. With TDL, you can add custom functions and features to Tally, including customized reports, forms, and calculations. TDL allows you to write code that interacts directly with Tally's data structures, making it a powerful tool for customizing and automating various accounting processes. If you have a programming background and need to perform advanced customization of Tally, TDL is a useful tool to learn.

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