
Anup Agarwal (Student) (24 Points)

18 March 2009  

Dear CAs.

We as a sudent of st Xavier's college(Kolkata) are conducting a survey on

"Selection of TAX saving Investments u/s 80C of the Income Tax Act, 1961"

The questions are:


1.    How do you rate Section 80C as a Tax planning option?








Not OK

2.    The maximum available exemption limit is Rs. 100,000. Is it



3.    Should the deduction under this section be allowed to other assesses


Not OK

4.    The range of options available under the section is:


5.    What proportion of your clientele avail the benefit of this option?                      




6.    Do you think people consider risk, post-tax return, lock-in period etc before making the investment  (or they take ad-hoc decisions just to save tax )


For the following questions you may give more than one option in order of preference:




7.    Which Investment(s) do your clients prefer without your advice?




8.    Which option(s) do you recommend?




9.    Which investments make good choices, even without the benefit of deduction under this section?


Thanking you


Index of Investments:

1.      Life Insurance Policy

2.      Unit Linked Insurance Plan[ULIP]

3.      Non Commutable deferred annuity

4.      Provident Fund

5.      Public Provident Fund

6.      Approved Superannuation Fund

7.      National Savings Certificate

8.      Tax-saving mutual funds

9.      NABARD Bonds

10.   Approved Shares and debentures in Infrastructure Company.

11.   Fixed Deposit

12.   Senior Citizen Saving Scheme

13.   Post Office Deposits.


Please copy and paste the questionairre in the reply and select the options by high lighting them. You can select more than one option for Q. 7, 8, & 9. write index no of investments in boxes for Q 7,8, & 9 in order of preference.

For Q1 1 is worst and 5 is best.


I shall be higly obliged if you participate.

Reply solicited from CAs

Thanking you.