thanks for Extremely nice views given by Mr. Shailesh, a very heart rending story of her roommate related by Ms. priyanka and a quick suggestion by Mr .Popat.........
i think innovation must be tested at the very ground level,.
We r govened by the laws made by parliament, which assimilate the people who ultimately we r to choose. people say our rulers r corrupt, but ultimately we r the one who give them the ticket to the temple of our country.....
Parliamentarians thought of making codes of conduct for every profession but they forgot to make the same for themselves...........
laws r passed, they r promulgated but implementation is where they lack in.......
recommendation committees r constituted, the same r recieved, and passed on too, but till they filter to the ground needies, they get only the dregs of it,..............
we r thinking of developing a country where 1/5th of our ministers r either facing grave charges of corruption and murder and still walking on road with impunity behind their vainglorious garb of police cordon .............
i know running a country a tough job, but since they themselve came forward to social work as when they ask 4 vote, i hve every right vested within me, even beyond the constitution, as a citizen, to ask them, hold them responsible for every deriliction on their part for the work they undertook while taking oath in their ministerial chair,...................
And if they fails to do so, we hve the right to kick them off too, as the Now Home Minister, the learned PC, rightly said terrorism can't be purged by mere talk of peace, welling out tears, but by falling hard on the ones who did it,..........jai hind !