support to Baba Ramdev against corruption

ashok (C A) (32 Points)

06 June 2011  

We should support Baba Ramdev for fight against corruption. No matter he is yogi or some thing else lets support and show that we Indians are with him. Please do not label this as religious issue. Since it is our India’s problem not just one religions. Just because of your other religion, don’t stop supporting him. We all religions (Hindu+Muslim+Sikhs+Christian + all other) together can create history. Let’s try to create a history for our nation.

The Best way to support is You Yourself refrain from giving any Bribe, also induce your friends and neighbours to refrain from paying any bribe or getting things done out of way. You need not go to Delhi to support or outsource the work to any Babas.

CA’s can play a very significant role in fight against corruption because we are born for that and it is also the Moto and objective of ICAI.