Sundays as Leave

Vallabh (Article) (27 Points)

10 July 2009  

Should sundays intervening the exam leave period taken by the articled assistant during the articleship period considered as actual days worked or as leave taken .

Even in the Training Guide but for the below example (wherein leaves taken exclude weekly holidays) no reference has been made to determine the nature of sundays.
According to my principal Sundays should be included in leave taken.      
Following is the illustration in the Training Guide provided by the Institute.
Illustrative cases of computation of leave for 3 ½ years of articleship training
Case IV
A. Total number of days served (365×3.5) 1277
B. Less: Total leave taken (other than weekly
holidays) 200
C. Actual Period served 1077
D. Entitlement of leave (1/6th of the actual
period served) (1077/6) 180
 Could you please give me any documentary evidence of any rule as such
Please help on the above matter and send your reply on vallabhapatil007 @
Thanking you in advance.