which is the best for ISCA -- ca final
Dinesh Madan or Priyanka Jain
(Working Professional)
(308 Points)
Replied 15 February 2012
Nidhi i hav bought a dinesh madan book today its the latest edition .. it contains the changes/amendemnts..
BUT i am confused that these amendments are not applicable for may 12 exam..
how to manage now..
krishan agrawal
(324 Points)
Replied 15 February 2012
CA Nidhi Goel
(177 Points)
Replied 15 February 2012
these amendments r in chapter 2 n 5 that r nt applicable fr may12. these r fr nov 12..
m uploading a file that contains these amendments..
leave dat portion only..
Jitendra Vyas
(Commercial Officer)
(178 Points)
Replied 16 February 2012
Dinesh Madan and Institute Study material is very good for ISCA
krishan agrawal
(324 Points)
Replied 16 February 2012
PF & ESI Course - Labour Code 2019 Along with Examples and Case Studies