Success plan for Your November exam..Dont miss it


06 August 2010  


Dear friends,


Is CA course is tough or difficult to clear? Answer is a big No.
Then you may rise a question regarding why a lower passing out ratio?
Is there any pre determined pass out ratio?  The answer is also a Big No
Reason for low pass out ratio
Pass mark for individual paper is just 40 marks but the aggregate for a particular group shall be 50%..
The target in front of you is 50 marks, if you want to jump this benchmark set a target of 60 marks so that you can easily jump the benchmark. But for securing the 60 mark, you need to do a lot of hard work .You must be willing to sacrifice your comfort level. You must be willing to work hard and smart also. Setting 60 plus is so easy but getting 50 plus is a difficult.
Taking a right decision at the right time will lead you success for your November exam.
Whether to write both group and one particular group.
This decision in turn depends upon the time at your disposal. If you have enough time to prepare well for 60 plus mark target for all the papers, you can opt for both group else try for one particular group.
 If you don’t have time and opt for both, there may be a risk of failure may be fails for want of aggregate. If you had written both and failed for want of aggregate or failed do remember that there was a little time with you.


All the skills and talent require for qualifying the CA course is with you. If you undergone for a coaching institute, the teacher just boost the inherent skills inside you. How he is doing, he just injects the basic and conceptual angle.
Role of good reference book and Suggested answers, scanners
Is ICAI material is good? Obviously the answer is yes. But it is not student free as well as structured. It is highly recommended to buy one reference book along with ICAI material or modules. But you must take extra care while purchasing a reference book.
Those who had fails or those who want to clear the November exam Do the following immediately.
Daily targets
It is advisable to fix a daily target. Fix a balancing timetable with you. But the hour’s utilization shall be in such a manner that will optimize your maximum possible potential.
Full focus while you read
Give maximum focus at the time of reading. Get through the basic and concepts. Try to learn own your own. If you cannot able to do own your own, then go for a best coaching centre.
Good notes
Make a good note. The note making requires some skills and experience. But if your note is good, just reading a point will lead to understood you the main concept. But try to prepare notes.
Periodic revision
Revision is an essential factor for success. You must revise periodically. You can use the notes at the time of revision. Those who not revise periodically may produce a poor result for the exam.
Group studies
It is better to have a group for studies particularly for the problem paper. But care need to be taken for the size of the group. Maximum 5 people or less shall be an ideal group. Group studies will be fruitful at the time of revision and the problem paper like Cost and FM and Advanced Accounts.
How you can maximize the potential? You must imagine for the bench mark level of CA course and your target of 60 mark and the effort that you need to put for achieving the said target. Don’t be tense if you are not achieved the 100% achievement. In some students cases their time table is one place but the utilization is in difference manner.
All The best