Dream is not what you see in sleep. It is something that does not let you sleep.
If you want more, you have to require more from yourself.
The ability to achieve great accomplishments inherited or learned? The power, capacity and developed skill to achieve outstanding success comes from within you. If you want to change your dreams into realities and your desires into solid achievement, the answer is personal motivation - the ability to motivate yourself to accomplishment.
v External vs. Internal Motivation
Personal motivation is based on the scientific principle that each of us is the end result of what we think. External motivation such as the excitement of the crowd, the stimulation of a pep talk, the exhilaration of a passing circumstance is only temporary and will not last. Conversely, personal motivation is the development of your inner strength, conscious willpower, overwhelming desire, and the determination to reach any goal you personally want to achieve. Internal motivation lasts and is a key to success.
We create our environment -
mental, emotional, and physical - by the attitudes we develop. There are several principles that define personal, or internal, motivation. First, it is the power that raises you to any level you seek. Second, you hold the key to your own personal motivation ignition switch. Last but not least, consider that failure comes from a total disregard for the power of personal motivation. Keep this in mind: Since all growth and progress come from within, there is practically no limit to what a personally motivated person can accomplish!
v Plan, Plan, Plan
To develop your plan of action for achieving your goal, start by asking yourself these questions: where do I stand now and what are my goals? Put your answers down in writing to help crystallize your thoughts. Face yourself squarely, honestly, and realistically. Answering these questions is a great place to begin because of what you learn about your current situations. Then develop a working plan for achieving your goal and a deadline for its attainment.
v It's All in the Attitude
It's been said that life is 10 how we react to it. This is incredibly accurate. It is your attitude - not your aptitude - that is the chief determinant of your success. We are either master or victim of our attitudes, producing blessing or curse. The choice is yours!
v Work Hard
No one becomes a success without being willing to work. It is through their work that most people write the story of their lives. They are both author and principal character, free to be the hero or villain, to succeed or fail. When you set goals for yourself, they work in two ways: you work on them and they work on you.
v Wish vs. Desire
Create within yourself a sincere desire for the things you want in life. A burning desire is unquestionably the greatest motivator of every human action. You can easily determine the difference between what you "wish" and what you truly "desire" by asking yourself these questions:
· What are the obstacles and roadblocks I will having to overcome to achieve my goals?
· What are the personal rewards I will gain when I attain them?
· Is it worth it to me?
If you answered "Yes!" to these questions, you know you have genuine desire. Importantly, the amount of desire you have determines the degree of success you achieve. Desire is the perfect mental antidote for fear, despair, resentment, and jealousy.
A plan of action, positive attitude, willingness to work hard and sincere desire will take you far along the path of self-motivation to success. A powerful partner of desire is enthusiasm, which helps develop your self-confidence. Choose to be determined and review your written plan often by concentrating on the rewards.
Your desire and determination will stimulate a ceaseless flow of dynamic, powerful, positive direction to keep you on course until your goals are met. Use personal motivation to unlock your true potential for success - go for it!