Some Thing What I Tell my Class Room Students I thought of Sharing on this Portal for all.
First remove the thought of Only one group, Go for Both groups.
One Month available Enjoy your life & Time available. Then prepare a further Time table for 600 - 700 hours of devoted studies to be completed by 31st january 2012.( Starting 01.09.2011 You have 153 days upto 31.01.2012,Remove 13 days for you self,festivals etc No studies, Left 140 Days X 5 Hrs p/day = 700 ) Later February 2012one round of revision from Past 10 attempt papers, March 2012 Repeat same thing of Feb 012 again, April Fast Track Revision upto 10th April 11th - 20th April 2012 Paper solving in written form atleast 2 papers per day 10 days its 20 papers & 7 subjects so it makes about 3 papers per subject creat exam conditions & be honest to yourself while writing the papers. 3stop writing after 3 hours & see what & how much you have done. Later 21st April onwards till exam day plan your time table for final revision & shortfalls you have realised & found in your studies while writing your own Mock papers. Follow this & I can guarantee your success & that too with flying colours
Check the Planning & you have completed 3 rounds of Revision Both Groups & that too 15 days before the exams. Now you yourself decide How can you not pass easily. but condition stick to the schedule
Should you need any further help you can mail me on
Chandrakant Ambani