Study Holidays-FAQ

sivaram (Asst Mgr-Taxation) (6918 Points)

10 December 2009  


Is it better to study early in the morning or late at Night?
Each person peaks best at a certain time of the day ,find out what suits you best. Early Morning is theoretically best because its invigorating but some find it most suitable toiling upwards in the night.
Is it better to use one  text books or many?
It is preferable to use one text book. That’s because different authors have their own interpretation on the same subject. This could hamper your understanding .You must pick up a second book only with reference to a topic which you feel is not well covered in the First book.
Is it better to Study just one subject per day or read them all ?
It’s divided world here ,but efficiency experts pointout that reading different subjects say three subjects, is good because it brings in variety and it has a way of improving your concentration .There are some who talk about getting into the groove-subject –wise and therefore feel that one should read one subject complete it and then go to the next. Considering that you would be reading about 10 to 12 hours during the holidays, it could definitely make sense to read  atleast   2 or 3 subjects for best results. of course the final choice is with you and you should go by what suits you best
Which are the Subjects for which you should make notes?
All Subjects. Note-making adds to your understanding of the subject. and every subject needs to be understood.
How many hours should one sleep per day during the study holidays?
When it comes to Sleeping take that many number of hours that make You feel fresh when you wake up .Dont Cut Corners in this regard .A normal human being needs 7 to 8 hours of sleep. what is required is deep sleep. A nap in the afternoon will do your energy a world of good.
Is Physical exercises helpful?
Yes very much. It refreshes you
Taken from the Book Advantage CA on reaching the Top –By Mr V.Pattabiraman