Students Have to Fight Together for Their Rights


Dear friends,


According to Regulation 60 of the CA Regulations, 1988-
"The working hours for the articled assistants should not exceed 35 hours in a week excluding the lunch break and normally an articled assistant be required to work during the normal working hours fixed for articled assistants. In case of the exigencies of work with the Principal, an articled assistant may be required to work beyond his/her normal working hours. However, under such circumstances, the aggregate number of working hours shall not exceed 45 hours per week. The requirement to work beyond 35 hours in a week should not be a practice but only in exceptional circumstances. Further, where the articled assistant is required to work beyond normal working hours, and aggregate of such hours exceed 35 hours per week, he/she shall be entitled to compensatory leave calculated with reference to number of completed working hours, over and above, 35 hours per week."
But this is not so happening in real. I can say that atleast 9 out of 10 CA Firms are contravening Regulation 60. The minimum working hours in a CA Firm generally are around 45 hours in a week and in the audit season, it goes well beyond 50 hours. 
I agree that Articleship is very important. But at the same time we should have ample time for the preparation of our exams. Because it is only when we clear the exams we'll become Chartered Accountants no matter whatever the amount of Practical knowledge one may have. 
I have already asked the Institute about this through E - Sahaayata. They have asked me contact the regional office in this regard.


So I request all the students to complain about this in their respective Regional Offices.