Dear all,
Please suggest.
While Computing Capital Gain from Sale of Shares/Mutual Funds from Capital Gain Statement, how do we know whether STT has been paid or not?
In many Capital Gain Statements, STT is not mentioned.
CA Bijay Shrestha (Never Give up....No matter what....) (858 Points)
16 July 2014Dear all,
Please suggest.
While Computing Capital Gain from Sale of Shares/Mutual Funds from Capital Gain Statement, how do we know whether STT has been paid or not?
In many Capital Gain Statements, STT is not mentioned.
(CA Job)
(512 Points)
Replied 16 July 2014
Dear Bijay
STT is applicable in case of a sale/purcahse of equity shares/equity oriented Mutual Fund made through a Stock Exchange.
STT paid in case of a transaction in Equity Share will be specifically mentioned in the Brocker's Note.
Also, same will be mentioned in the case of Mutual Fund in the Statment from the Fund House/CAMS/Karvy as the case maybe.
Please note that the STT in case of MF is applicable only if it is an Equity Oriented MF. It could be that you were looking into the transactions of some other MF like debt MF where STT is not applicable.