Strategy To Prepare For The Law

CA Madhukiran Reddy (CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT) (12714 Points)

07 November 2010  


CA PCC  Inputs for exams  Paper 3  Law , Ethics & Communication

1. The pattern of the question paper is as follows

a. Law

i. Question 1 & 2 are compulsory (both 10 marks each)

ii. You have to attend 8/10 questions x 5 marks each = 40

iii. Total 60 marks – Law

b. Ethics

i. Question 13 is compulsory – 10 marks

ii. Attend any 2 from the rest 3 questions – 5x2=10 marks

iii. Question no 15 – State whether correct/incorrect with reasons (attend any 2 from 4)

iv. Total 20 marks – Ethics

c. Communication

i. Question no 17 is compulsory  10 marks

ii. Any 2 from the rest 3  5x2 = 10 marks

iii. Total 20 marks – Communication

2. Class Notes Material will be sufficient for exams.

3. Do not leave any topic as the paper will cover the entire syllabus

4. The following are the expected marks / topics

a. Companies Act – 30 marks

b. Contract Act – 5 - 10 marks

c. Negotiable Instrument – 5 - 10 marks

d. Gratuity – 5 marks

e. Bonus – 5 marks

f. PF Act – 5 marks

5. Please go through the RTP prescribed for your attempt, as sometimes the exam problem is one of the RTP questions.

6. Write the answers in points, it will fetch you more marks

7. Please read the provisions deeply as the exam questions will be very tricky

8. Time will be a constraint so plan your time well in advance

9. For the cases asked use the pattern where your answer clearly distinguishes:

The facts of the case

The provisions of the law

Analysis of the case


This will definitely fetch you more marks.

10. Be thorough with the following

a. Drafting notices of AGM/EGM

b. Minutes

c. Legal Documents

(As more than 10 marks in communication are asked from above (including compulsory question)

11. Ethics & Communication are scoring sections

12. Try to go through the past question papers and the feel of the type of questions asked and the related provisions of law

13. Law section covers at least 6 marks for one word answers. It becomes a good scoring area

14. Concentrate well on the gratuity, bonus and PF Act as these are very small acts and the same questions keep repeating in the exams