Getting your point across in writing is necessary for many jobs. I think It will help you very much.
1. Draw up an outline, listing each item you need to discuss in your memo, letter, or report.
2. Put items in order -- from most to least important
3. Gather information to backup what you plan to say, or to help illustrate your points
4. If appropriate, get input from others who are involved in the project you're discussing
5. Write a brief summary of your entire memo -- this will be your first paragraph.
6. Expand on each item listed in step 1, to make up the body of the memo.
7. In your last paragraph tell the recipient if he or she needs to take any action.
8. Set your document aside before proofreading it. This will allow you to look at it with a fresh eye.
9. Avoid wordiness.
10. Write for your audience. Don't use jargon that your reader may not understand.
11. Don't rely entirely on your word processor's spell checker. It won't pick up incorrect use of a word, i.e. to vs. too vs. two.