can anyone please tell me how to approach strategic management subject ? do i need to learn it word by word ? and which book should be referred ?
manasi verma (student) (100 Points)
18 April 2012can anyone please tell me how to approach strategic management subject ? do i need to learn it word by word ? and which book should be referred ?
(930 Points)
Replied 18 April 2012
I don't think it is compulsory to learn word by word u can just understand the concept of topic and write it in ur own words (if u r not a good learner) and if u r a good learner u must learn it.
Sorry i don't remember the book............
manasi verma
(100 Points)
Replied 18 April 2012
by writing in our own words can we gain marks ? n pls ask anyone about the book if u could help
Palash Gupta
(Student...Hoping to pass Inter)
(892 Points)
Replied 18 April 2012
(Chartered Accountnat CS)
(1585 Points)
Replied 18 April 2012