Story time the birthday pacakge

Rahul Sharma (----------) (8192 Points)

22 June 2012  

Story time The  Birthday Pacakge [A moral and inspirational story]

This story you're about to read has an important lesson for you to learn. So, read it carefully...

A young married woman whose husband was a wealthy man was expecting a
birthday gift from her husband.
For quite a number of months she had
admired a very beautiful diamond
ring in a showroom, and
she knowing that her husband could
afford it, if he would, told him that was
all she wanted for her birthday, and nothing more.
As her birthday was drawing nigh, this
lady awaited signs that her
husband had
bought the diamond ring.
At last, her birthday finally came. On the morning of her
birthday, her husband called her
into his
He told her how proud
he was to have such a good wife as her and told
how much he loved her.
After telling her all sort of sweet talks, he finally handed her a beautifully
wrapped gift box.
Very excited and curious, the wife opened the box
and found a lovely, leather-
bound Bible,
with the her name embossed
in gold.
Angrily, she raised her voice to
her husband and said, 'With all
your money
, a Bible was all you could give me?!!' And
stormed out of the house,
leaving her husband.
Many years passed and the lady
was very successful in all her dealings and business.
She managed
to settle for a more beautiful
house and a new wonderful family,
but realized
her ex-husband was very old,
and thought perhaps she should
sayhim a visit because
she had not seen him for so many
But before she could make travelling
arrangements, she received a
text message telling her
that her ex-husband had died
, and willed all of his
possessions to
her. She needed to come back
immediately and take care of
When she arrived at her ex-
husband's house, sudden
sadness and regret filled
her heart. She began to search
through her ex-husband's
important papers and
saw the Bible, still as new as when it was presented to her.
she had left it years before.
With tears, she opened the Bible
and began to turn the pages. Her
had carefully underlined a verse,
Matt 7:11, which reads 'And if you, being evil,
how to give good gifts to your
children, how much more shall
your Heavenly
Father, who is in heaven, give
what is good to those who ask
As she read those words, a tiny
package dropped from the back
of the Bible.
It had a diamond ring, with her
name engraved on it-the same
diamond ring
which she saw at the showroom!
On the tag, the date of her
birth, and the words.'LUV U
ALWAYS' were inscribed.

How many times do we miss
God's blessings, because they are
not packaged as
we expected?
Do not spoil what you have, by
desiring what you have not; but
remember that
what you now have was once
among the things you only
hoped for.

Moral of the story: Always appreciate little things, irrespective of how small they seem.