Is there any additional stipend 4 a pcc cleared student?
Bidisha Choudhury (Ca final) (244 Points)
06 May 2009Is there any additional stipend 4 a pcc cleared student?
Isha Gupta
(Chartered Accountant)
(180 Points)
Replied 06 May 2009
There are minimum rates depending upon completed articleship period, irrespective of whether cleared PCC or not
(CA Final student(New Course))
(86 Points)
Replied 07 May 2009
derz no specfc stipend 4 a pcc clrd stdnt or a cpt clrd stdnt...derz howvr a minm stpnd for artcl assntnts as per icai rules..
25 Hours GST Scrutiny of Return and Notice Handling(With Recording)