Statutory auditor

Khushboo Maheshwari (Company Secretary) (548 Points)

30 July 2009  

As per section 224A special resolution for appointment of auditors is required for company in which not less than twenty-five per cent of the subscribed share capital is held, whether singly or in any combination, by—

          (a)  a public financial institution or a Government company or Central Government or any State Government, or
          (b)  any financial or other institution established by any Provincial or State Act in which a State Government holds not less than fifty-one per cent of the subscribed share capital, or
          (c)  a nationalised bank or an insurance company carrying on general insurance business,
My question here is that we are a company in which Government  holds 50% capital . We also have a 100% wholly owned subsidiary. Does this subsidiary also requires to pass a special resolution for appointment of statutory auditor as indirectly it also has share of Government of 50%. Please clarify its urgent