what is the stamp duty to register a partnersheep deed in gujarat?
mahipal m. chande (ca) (216 Points)
09 May 2017what is the stamp duty to register a partnersheep deed in gujarat?
Dhirajlal Rambhia
(SEO Sai Gr. Hosp.)
(183048 Points)
Replied 09 May 2017
For capital upto 1 lakh: Rs. 1000/-
For 1-5 lakhs: Rs. 2000-5000/-
For 6-10 lakhs: Rs. 6000-to 10000/-
Above 10 lakhs: Rs. 10000/-
mahipal m. chande
(216 Points)
Replied 09 May 2017
maximum is 10000 or 15000
and can name be identical of another registered partnership firm?
Dhirajlal Rambhia
(SEO Sai Gr. Hosp.)
(183048 Points)
Replied 09 May 2017
In Gujarat & Rajasthan maximum for Partnership registration is Rs.10,000/-, while same in Maharashtra it is 15,000/-
Name cannot be identical.
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